Palmetto State Abortion Fund

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Palmetto State Abortion Fund

We are an abortion fund by South Carolinians, for South Carolinians, and all those seeking care in our state. Independent abortion fund ran by volunteers.


OK Bluesky, I have some Comrade Cards® to send folks who donate at least $20 to, per's efforts. What's a comrade card? See below or scroll my profile. Show proof of (new) donation & tell me where to send the card:
An update on where we are: $1845 gross donations 65 total donors & about 25 new monthly donors It looks like over $650 will be recurring monthly donors!! This is such a good start! Thank you to everyone who has joined in support! Let's keep it going!
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
Part of what we're doing now to survive this stage of America's fascism is funding our mutual networks of survival. Part of that is funding southern abortion funds. This abortion fund serves South Carolinians & other southerners traveling there to get abortion care now that rights are under threat.
South Carolina has been fighting for accessible abortion long before the Dobbs decision, and we’re still here fighting now. The need keeps increasing while the resources decrease, but we are scrappy and will continue to find ways to get South Carolinians (+ all Southerners) the care they deserve.
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
Started a monthly donation of $25 and would love for folks to join me.
South Carolina has been fighting for accessible abortion long before the Dobbs decision, and we’re still here fighting now. The need keeps increasing while the resources decrease, but we are scrappy and will continue to find ways to get South Carolinians (+ all Southerners) the care they deserve.
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
Donating to abortion funds like Palmetto State is one of the more meaningful forms of financial support we can offer in this moment. I’m kicking in a small monthly amount and encourage those who can to do the same (or just to amplify this call for funding). These groups need grassroots support!
OK Bluesky comrades, who can afford to donate at least $5 a month to They are an all-volunteer led abortion fund based in South Carolina. They do such good work. Will you join me as monthly subscribers? - they need a min of $10,000 a month.
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
South Carolina has been fighting for accessible abortion long before the Dobbs decision, and we’re still here fighting now. The need keeps increasing while the resources decrease, but we are scrappy and will continue to find ways to get South Carolinians (+ all Southerners) the care they deserve.
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
Well, if anyone feel like it here's my paypal. No worries. I'm simply broke as a joke & attempting to do my best.
Would anyone be interested in contributing to my rideshare to the library today to lay out the Luchini zine?
Pay Chantal James using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
National orgs spending 100 million on repro “strategy” when people need abortions right now just does not sit right with us. 😐
Avatar wanted to share with you that we got a 3k check in your honor 🫶
It’s so hard to be active on all the social platforms as an all volunteer fund but every time we check in here someone is showing us love. 🩵 We had 63 requests in May that were able to be filled before we closed. We estimate the total number of requests was double that — and it kills us to turn
It's a scandal that abortion funds can't raise the funds needed to help people seeking abortions now, this minute, across the country. An absolute SCANDAL and truly we ought to be ashamed that this is happening when each of us could be doing something to support these funds.
One of the most impactful and helpful things you can be doing right now to ensure that people can have access to abortion services is to DONATE AND RAISE MONEY FOR ABORTION FUNDS. The FUNDS ARE THE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ACCESS along with Independent clinics. Yet people are NOT showing up for them.
We have two days to raise $2,000 to help this patient get the help they need.
Please check out our new grant-funded initiative. Antis already put an anti abortion sign in front of one of our billboards. They’re MAD.
Please share and donate if you are able. Everything helps.
We are sitting at $1,884.13 for this patient. Let’s see how close we can get before their appt on Thursday.
We are at $1,051.77 total so far for this abortion patient. We have until Thursday to get to our goal. THANK YOU everyone who has contributed and boosted this ask! 🫶💛