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gratitude to those who have pushed gross donations almost to $4,000 for this month! They need $10,000 and we're so much closer than a couple of days ago. Thank you so much and have a good night.
An update on where we are: $1845 gross donations 65 total donors & about 25 new monthly donors It looks like over $650 will be recurring monthly donors!! This is such a good start! Thank you to everyone who has joined in support! Let's keep it going!
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
I keep seeing references made to 'leftists' who 'want 45 to win.' Who are these leftists? Are they strangers on the internet? I just don't see this. No one I know on the Left(s) is pro-45. I know some reactionary *moderates* who are though.
Any chance we can get to $2500 today? Less than $200 away.
An update on where we are: $1845 gross donations 65 total donors & about 25 new monthly donors It looks like over $650 will be recurring monthly donors!! This is such a good start! Thank you to everyone who has joined in support! Let's keep it going!
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
correct. Worse some think it's the MSM's JOB. Come on now!!!
They are so mad other people won’t do this for them.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Reposted byAvatar Prisonculture
Yep. Cosign. And where I tweet on this, it's 90% "here's what I think is going on," 10% "here's what I'd like to see," and literally zero percent "here's what I'm trying to make happen."
Something that's clear and very helpful to keep in mind is that I have ZERO influence over what will happen re: who the Democratic nominee will be at the August convention. So I'm going to keep it moving and focus on what I can influence.
Something that's clear and very helpful to keep in mind is that I have ZERO influence over what will happen re: who the Democratic nominee will be at the August convention. So I'm going to keep it moving and focus on what I can influence.
Reposted byAvatar Prisonculture
Seeing a lot of folks saying that the push for Biden to drop out is all an effort to tank the party's chances in November, but the behavior of big Dems who desperately want to win the presidency and congress absolutely does not reflect confidence that Biden staying is their best shot.
I find it interesting that people who correctly point out 45 is a pathological liar are pretending that they don't notice Biden's cognitive decline. If you're honest, you can say 'yes it's clear that he is in cognitive decline, HE'S 81 and I still think that he needs to be the nominee for x reasons'
Reposted byAvatar Prisonculture
I just checked FedBook and unfortunately someone posted a tweet from Twitter of Andrew Weissman suggesting a Harris/Cheney ticket.
there aren't good choices at this late stage. There are only 'make do' choices. I understand that people who correctly raised qualms & objections about him running again were yelled at and ignored for the past 18 months. But this is where things are now.
Me every time someone gets a library card!
THIS is GOOD news for the day! Thank you Sharyn!
FINALLY got my library card today after too much procrastinating. Thanks so much to for the regular reminders to do so. Joining Friends of the Library is next! 📚
I'll be reading all of the Project 20205 resources that folks shared with me over the weekend. Thanks again for the resources.
Anywho, show up every day to do what you can with others and make sure that you're attending to people's material needs while doing so. That basic political engagement will put you in good stead. The rest is noise.
I learned a lot in 2020-2021. A lot of it isn't good. Something that got clear for me though is that some people I thought would show up to test their theories through actual practice were nowhere to be found. I'll never forget it. Didn't attend organizing meetings, return calls/emails, etc...
This is 100% true and also it is not the way that history and social studies are taught to USian students. So this is not something that most people think or understand.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
Reposted byAvatar Prisonculture
New zine! How Criminalized Survivors Seek Healing and Safety: A Study of Survivors of State and Interpersonal from Ky Peterson, Ny Nourn, Wendy Howard, Liyah Birru, Tracy McCarter and
How Criminalized Survivors Seek Healing and Safety
This is wonderful.
My friends did a Sunraiser, which while a nod to their artist moniker, was also uplifting: “What’s a SUNRAISER? It’s simple. The capital we raise will rebuild our shop. Then we’ll pay it forward by volunteering our labor to a local non-profit. Sunraising creates a cycle of gratitude and support.”
"Come what may, we will need strong networks of community members who are deeply invested in their shared values & one another’s survival. Now is the time to build those connections, sharpen your skills, & build the rebellious culture of care we’ll need to defend each other in this decaying empire"
When you go to fundraising trainings [I've attended too many over the past 30 years], you sometimes hear stuff that's useless. One useful thing however is to think of fundraising as friendraising. You are asking people to be part of a group project. It's meaningful when people accept the invitation.
Reposted byAvatar Prisonculture
While I was in the Northwest Territories, I had some deep convos about the pain our communities are experiencing and what activists need to heal. This episode features commentary from William C. Anderson, Robyn Maynard, Harsha Walia, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Mahdi Sabbagh, and Kyla LeSage.
To Stay in the Fight, We Must Navigate Trauma and Find the Healing We “How do we grieve at the same time as we adapt,” asks author Robyn Maynard.
An update on where we are: $1845 gross donations 65 total donors & about 25 new monthly donors It looks like over $650 will be recurring monthly donors!! This is such a good start! Thank you to everyone who has joined in support! Let's keep it going!
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...