
You know what? Random positive shout out. The guys who designed the cardboard packaging for Dell monitors? Excellent work. Extremely good design and nearly completely recyclable except for the screen protector.
I took one course in packaging design and never in a million years could I make a design this concise and protective.
Just really satisfying to break down a box and there's nearly zero Styrofoam at all.
Aaaand another thing! Most of it was done with tabs. Cardboard tabs! Minimal glue or even tape. Just some for holding a few cushions for the screen itself. It takes a lot of smart design to make a box that cradles a weird shaped object using just two flat pieces of cardboard and one molded piece.
Industrial Design is a wildly underrated art form.
It's incredible but if you encounter bad industrial design you will immediately feel it.
I've given some time to think about stuff like that.... like If I ever wanted to do merch and self physical stuff I really would want to do the packaging feel premium while actually being good and recyclable.
Lenovo packaging is also good.
This is part of why I've been such a fan of Apple's packaging. This, I have to say, kinda curious if there is some reason other than cost, to not use bio plastics for screen protectors.
Nice! I take it you got a new monitor recently?
Not really recently, I just haven't broken down the box for about a month. Had still considered returning it but really Dell make some of the best consumer monitors that are still affordable.