
I love Elden Ring. Like, sure, it’s a big monster fight game or whatever, but it’s also a murder mystery about what happened to the concept of death, an excavation sim where you slowly unearth cycles of violence over millennia, and you wear funny outfits and very stupid hats
Just had an "invader" pop into my friend and me doing co-op with a giant jar on their head, and all they did was hang back and cheer us on as we beat up some bosses. It's a weird, special game.
Omg how wholesome. Once an invader popped in, dropped a breadcrumb part to help me find a secret passage, and then ganked me at the end of it. It was beautiful.
That little potential to GANK at the very end did keep me looking over our shoulders but it's just the guy with the pot on their head doing the cheer emote. Multiplayer in this game is a hoot. I kinda just love jumping into other people's games to help out in tough spots.