Jessica Jones' Bottle of Whiskey

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Jessica Jones' Bottle of Whiskey

“authoritarianism in the United States is often discussed in terms of who will win the White House in November. What’s happened in the last few years under both Democratic and Republican leadership at the local, state, and federal level shows the need to hold all parties accountable.”
Welcome to the United States of Our new series documents the recent crackdown on dissent and protests in the U.S.
Even Trump's completely addled brain knows the truck horn he is pulling on is only in his mind. He's not quite completely gone yet.
Typical "mob boss posing as an unfairly-treated, upstanding citizen" shit.
Kind of incredible how easy it is to identify what he means by each of these
This was on Instagram and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.
Though not before the SFPD stole the proceeds of Twain’s first stand-up show. I bring this up today merely to suggest that it is not a requirement of the journalist’s trade that they carry water for police. Twain regarded them as the professional antithesis of cops. Their job it was to witness.
Radio ad: "We are rushing into alternative energy sources too quickly! Sponsored by National Fuel shareholders" Yeah, sure, I believe you, you fucking greedy ghouls. The depravity to make Hochul look good in comparison.
The best part of the Bills losing is the few months of a reprieve from strangers expecting back a "Go Bills" as a farewell. I refuse to say it back when I hate your team and the stupid sport they play.
End of feed.