
it's still batshit that most mainstream news media commentators called for *biden* to step down before *trump*. it's completely absurd and damning
i know why news media is this way (google the hack gap), but it’s so absurd it hurts my brain
side note:
One thing that’s helpful to keep in mind here, imo, is that these days it’s not really clear just what an editorial board is for, and so as a result editorial boards at big papers are constantly engaged in the project of justifying their own relevance
other side note:
This is the opening salvo of their argument for *Biden* to drop out. They’ve never suggested Trump should abandon his campaign.
Orbanistan =TRUMPISTAN We are FuQQed! ALL Americans are FuQQed but MAGATS are too STUPID TO COMPREHEND....NO CONSTITUTION!!
The 🎃has drooled, foamed, gone off script, off his rocker, incoherent, spewed 💩that has nothing to do with anything. The ocean is very big, nuke the hurricanes, windmills kill birds and causes cancer, rake the forests etc yet NO ONE was this fast putting something together asking him to bow out👇👿.
The rapist is okay, but not the old guy
Why would Trump step down? He’s being handed the job to fuck up all over again, because his followers don’t care how batshit crazy he is. They just need him there to sign off on their plan to ruin our nation. Biden voters actually give a shit about the mental acuity of the President.
Biden voters are asking for perfection, that nobody can deliver! It’s insane to scream “replace him”, but there is nobody as good at the job as Joe is! & f*ck the media pundits! (Pardon my French!)
It is by *design*. How many private dinners did we find the dem party holding for top reporters and anchors. This shit is out of the gate by approval from within the party.