
One thing that’s helpful to keep in mind here, imo, is that these days it’s not really clear just what an editorial board is for, and so as a result editorial boards at big papers are constantly engaged in the project of justifying their own relevance
has the same editorial board called on trump to drop out?
Trump has already staffed the RNC with his own stooges, so there may not be much point to it. still, would be nice if they'd actually lead with it, say it loudly and often
Also why not ask Trump to drop out of the race after he was convicted on 34 counts “for the good of the country.”
This is the same one that endorsed “either or” last time? And ran Eric Prince’s advertisement for his mercenaries?
While still totally wobbly, the paper of record decided to expose themselves as the biggest babies on earth. Years of mealymouthed halfassed rending of garments coverage of Trump and they roll with Biden not being the same man as 2020. Guess what: Trump ain't the same as four years ago either
I think lying and refusing to answer crucial question is an inadequate performance in a presidential debate and should be reason to drop out of the presidential race so an honest and ethical candidate can step in. Oh wait, that would be hard for republicans.
And they could make some recommendations if they're going there…but one can see how they realize simultaneously that they're going outside their core competency, but at the same time feel compelled to say something.
For the ed board, mulch will do nicely.
I always took these "editorial board" editorials as just a way of saying a bunch of us got together and wrote this thing that, more or less, represents our collective opinion. They signed it "editorial board" to give it added clout and to prevent anyone saying, "Well, X would say that."
so as somebody who came of age in the decline of newspapers: what was the point of an editorial board? the one i grew up with was the Enquirer, which, uh, to the extent i was familiar with the opinion side, i don’t think i particularly liked them
Wow, MegaCorp infotainment media is pitiful, the progressive policies of the Biden administration are working. In the real world, #bluetsunsmi is the path forward and 17 dimensional chess is a complicated game. Don’t give up the ship. Look forward and move forward.
Do you mean because so much opinion and bias saturates news media that an "opinion" section or an "editorial" section seems quaint? Or because click bait sells more? Or because everyone spouts off their opinion on the Web and there is too much of it?
The editorial board is there to tell us peons what to think. We Democrats ought to be ashamed having a candidate who (checks notes) is old and has a stutter, not like those masculine Republicans.