
I regularly meet people who learn for the first time about the ocean biodiversity crisis, and immediately, confidently, and wrongly say what we need to do to fix it. I tell them to instead find people who already know what to do and help them, not to reinvent the wheel. This is an election subtweet
hehe. reminds me of early pandemic when i was an aid volunteer. we had a whole task force to guide people that suddenly said “omg i should help” to existing aid groups, get them onboarded, etc it was never ending and really interesting to watch
There is absolutely some university professor or researcher out there that's desperate to collect first hand accounts of the pandemic to gather the human side of things. I hope you can find them and tell them all this so they can do all three hard parts writing the book.
Actually, the best way to share your story is probably StoryCorps. They're working with the The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to collect first-hand stories about the pandemic in the public record that's easily available to researchers or anyone.
COVID-19 American History We're Building an Audio Archive of American Experiences with COVID-19 Every person in the United States has been impacted, and many are still affected, by the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Folklife ...
i hope so. unfortunately i’m very sick now, and i can’t focus on this. i wish i could have, and maybe one day i can. thank you for sharing, i’m glad people are capturing it
for now about all i can do is share here, when something comes up. and that’s been nice, remembering the old times, sharing our experiences with others i don’t want volunteer efforts to be forgotten. but we were never highlighted properly, even though we saved millions heh
ah, to be clear, i can no longer always speak. and when i can, i need to use my voice to communicate with doctors and get aid they started this project after i got sicker but i’m really glad it exists