Puneet Singh Singhal

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Puneet Singh Singhal


Building #GreenDisability: Exploring The Intersection of #DisabilityInclusion and #ClimateAction

Activist, Workshop Facilitator, Writer

Check our services- https://ssstart.org/accessibility-services/

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/puneet-singhal
Accessibility is not a loud, one-time event; it's a quiet revolution. It's also isn't about quick fixes or public shaming. it's about the power of ongoing action like watering a plant – splash it once, and you'll make a mess; nurture it daily, and you'll watch it thrive. #Disability #a11y #Equity
Launch awareness campaigns that educate the public about disabilities, focusing on abilities and achievements rather than limitations. #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong #Disability #DisabilityPrideMonth #Equality #HumanRights #DisabilityInclusion #Technology #Poverty #Equity #SDGs #Cinema
Implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to create flexible learning environments that accommodate diverse learning needs. Provide assistive technology and train teachers on inclusive practices. #WeAreBillionStrong #AXSChat
Recognition is the first step toward inclusion. Governments must identify all disabilities, provide resources, and ensure accessibility. Policies should be inclusive of all needs. #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong #GreenDisability #SDGs #DisabilityPrideMonth #DisabilityInclusion #HumanRights
Sharing my observation on accessibility. It will be beneficial to accessibility professionals: Your temporary solution to a temporary problem can potentially become a permanent problem. Don't underestimate these "small" bugs or errors. Overlays are such an example. #a11y #DisabilityPrideMonth
Launch awareness campaigns that educate the public about disabilities, focusing on abilities and achievements rather than limitations. #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong #HumanRights #DisabilityPrideMonth #Equality #Poverty #Disability #Equity #SDGs #Technology #Cinema
Happy disability pride month! 💛🤍💙 Never heard of disability pride month? It's over 30 years old! July was named #disability #pride #month in 1990 & continues to remind us to celebrate our differences & uplift the voices of those who have too often been dismissed.
Happy Disability Pride Month 💜. I am proud of all the persons with disabilities who are living, surviving, navigating their life in a system that is not inclusive and accessible. #DisabilityPrideMonth #WeAreBillionStrong #SDGs #Disability #HumanRights #AXSChat
Amplify voices of people with disabilities through media and storytelling to highlight their achievements and experiences. Celebrate their contributions widely. #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong #Disability #DisabilityPrideMonth #HumanRights
Recognition is the first step toward inclusion. Governments must identify all disabilities, provide resources, and ensure accessibility. Policies should be inclusive of all needs. #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong #GreenDisability #DisabilityPrideMonth
Happy Disability Pride Month 💜. I am proud of all the persons with disabilities who are living, surviving, navigating their life in a system that is not inclusive and accessible. #DisabilityPrideMonth #WeAreBillionStrong #SDGs #Disability #HumanRights #AXSChat
It's Disability Pride Month, let's reaffirm: All disabilities - apparent or non-apparent, with or without a diagnosis is valid. We all deserve access, love and support to live the best life possible. #Disability #HumanRights #Poverty #SDGs #DisabilityPrideMonth #GreenDisability
Focus on finding the right questions.
Differentiate noise from relevant information by being diligent and aware of self and the world.
"If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done." - Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Children are happy because: 1) They're not self conscious 2) They lack a sense of time pressure 3) They've no goals. The bottom line is they are living from moment to moment, and the mind is not there to interfere in their bliss." Naval Ravikant #Children #Life #Meditation #Gratitude #Equity
Our experiences are multifaceted, and the impact of disability cannot be separated from other aspects of our lives. You don't have to experience a disability to believe and accept what others share about their experiences. #Disability #HumanRights #Poverty #AXSChat #Equity
Innovation: The challenges of creating accessible products often lead to innovative solutions that benefit all users, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in design. #AXSChat #DisabilityInclusion #WeAreBillionStrong #DisabilityRights #a11y #SDGs #Equity
"Don’t do things that you know are morally wrong. Not because someone is watching, but because you are. Self-esteem is just the reputation that you have with yourself. You’ll always know." NAVAL RAVIKANT
Philosophy isn't just for scholars; it's for everyone. The essence of philosophy is asking the right questions. Even children make meaningful contributions to philosophical thought.
"It's a superpower to be interested in important things that most other people find boring. They'll do them out of duty, if they do them at all. So if you do them out of genuine interest, you'll get a lot further." @paulg