Abigail Licata

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Abigail Licata


Neuroscience PhD candidate interested in semantic knowledge, language (dys)function, dementia, & multilingualism… but mostly a regular human interested in poetry, dancing, environmentalism, and accessibility & inclusion in academia.
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📣 New Reading List on Peer Review 📣 The new reading list is now available: 🔹 via our app rpt-rl.netlify.app 🔹 via our OSF osf.io/3ed8x/ The list was created by Mario Malički ✨ #research #science #psychology #PsychSciSky #PsychSci #OpenScience #metasci #stats #neuroskyence #academicsky
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Really great read on #OpenScience and the role of publishers in promoting it. They provide a synthesis of the state of things, but do so eloquently and with much-needed perspective. If you're #AcademicSky #SciPub -curious, this is one to read. open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/articles/4-1...
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People don't want to lose their score in a game even when they accept the game is silly! We need to change to game!
For more on the distorting effect of managerial metrics in academia, there's: 🔹️ Houtum & van Uden (2020): doi.org/10.1177/1350... 🔹️ Soin & Huber (2021): doi.org/10.1177/1350... 🔹️ Kuldova (2021): oda.oslomet.no/oda-xmlui/ha... #AcademicSky
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Now there's "sneaked references" "Sneaked references are registered as metadata for published scientific articles in which they do not appear." doi.org/10.1002/asi.... #AcademicSky 🧪
Wir sind fast am #Ziel ! 🥅 Bitte leiten Sie diesen #Kurzfragebogen an alle weiter, die daran interessiert sein könnten. 🙏 Vielen Dank im Voraus! 🙏 fpse.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_... #Linguistik #Sprachwissenschaft #Kognitionswissenschaft #Forschung
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Heute in der #psychoSophHistory: Hand vor den Mund! Warum gähnen wir? Habt ihr es noch nicht gelesen oder wollt ihr euer Wissen auffrischen? psychosophcomic.de/2022/07/10/h... #wisskomm #scicomm #psychologie #psychology
the term #dynamic #disability has helped me a lot in this regard. Some days I need an aid, other days I can walk a full kilometer with minimal pain. Working on not stigmatizing myself on the good or bad days remains a challenge... thedlist.co.nz/newsfeed/dyn...
People cannot seem to understand--or refuse to understand--that not all disability is static. With many conditions, some days are better than others. That doesn't negate the disability. It doesn't make the shitty days not count anymore.
#DynamicDisability: How a hashtag changed our livesthedlist.co.nz How discovering language to describe fluctuating disabilities helped Melissa Irving find herself and her people.
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What's everyone else's creative process like?
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This is a really glaring example of an effect size falling to zero upon replication. Why did it take more than 20 labs to debunk?
A multi-lab replication of a theoretical expectation from Terror Management Theory that death related primes are uniquely impactful after delay, as opposed to other types of semantic priming. Findings do not support that expectation. osf.io/preprints/ps...
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When I first started teaching & was getting to know my colleagues an English Prof asked me what Psychology is all about. I replied: “A means of understanding the human condition.” She laughed and said, “Funny! That’s exactly how I define poetry.” #weareallhuman #psychology #poetry
what do the colors represent? First, the black 🖤 background represents mourning & anger for the lives lost due to ableism. The colored stripes represent... ❤️ physical disabilities 💛 neurodiversity 🤍 invisible & undiagnosed disabilities 💙 emotional & psychiatric disabilities 💚 sensory disabilities
💚💙🤍💛❤️🖤 🎉 Happy Disability Pride Month!!! 🙌 💚💙🤍💛❤️🖤
Happy disability pride month! 💛🤍💙 Never heard of disability pride month? It's over 30 years old! July was named #disability #pride #month in 1990 & continues to remind us to celebrate our differences & uplift the voices of those who have too often been dismissed.
Happy Disability Pride Month 💜. I am proud of all the persons with disabilities who are living, surviving, navigating their life in a system that is not inclusive and accessible. #DisabilityPrideMonth #WeAreBillionStrong #SDGs #Disability #HumanRights #AXSChat
We also presented in the poster sessions! #ICWM @nlangerock.bsky.social: -dev. shifts in working memory (WM) control -WM span &cognitive load effects in action video game players @carohautekiet.bsky.social: -priorization in WM @johannahein.bsky.social: -individual differences in distractibility
5 #minutes à nous donner ? ⏱️ Nous recherchons des personnes de langue maternelle française pour jouer à un jeu d'association de mots amusant! fpse.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_... #Linguistique #Neuroscience #Psychologie #Français
Wir brauchen noch ein paar Teilnehmer*innen, falls Du etwas Zeit/Lust hast! Vielen Dank im Voraus 🧠💬🙏 #Deutsch #Psychologie #wisskomm #Neurowissenschaft #Sprachwissenschaft
Haben Sie ein paar Minuten Zeit? Dann nehmen Sie an unserer kurzen Umfrage zu deutschen Wortbedeutungen teil! 😁💬 Sie helfen uns, besser zu verstehen, wie Muttersprachler*innen Wörter verbinden. 🙏🧠 fpse.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_... #PsychSky #Forschung #Neurowissenschaft #Psychologie
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Haben Sie ein paar Minuten Zeit? Dann nehmen Sie an unserer kurzen Umfrage zu deutschen Wortbedeutungen teil! 😁💬 Sie helfen uns, besser zu verstehen, wie Muttersprachler*innen Wörter verbinden. 🙏🧠 fpse.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_... #PsychSky #Forschung #Neurowissenschaft #Psychologie
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A lot of neuroscience experiments study mice. This week, co-editor Lindsay Ejoh asks "What can and can’t we learn about the human brain by studying rodent brains?". Of mice and men (and brains): pennneuroknow.com/2024/06/04/o... #neuroskyence #PsychSciSky #SciComm 🧪
Of mice and men (and brains)pennneuroknow.com What can and can’t we learn about the human brain by studying rodent brains?
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Chapter 5 of my book "A Student's Guide to Open Science: Using the Replication Crisis to Reform Psychology" is now open access via PsyArXiv! 📖 This chapter is arguably the most important: a hands-on guide to implementing open science in your workflow! 🌎 osf.io/preprints/ps... #OpenScience
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🚨 Interested in contributing to our edited volume "Linguistic intersections of language and gender: Of gender bias and gender fairness"? We are looking for innovative research on gender bias & fairness from all areas of linguistics. Find the full call here: t.ly/mr3Ag #linguistics #Linguistik
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Last #ReproducibiliTea journal club of the semester is tomorrow here at #Uni #Geneva, and it's also a #hybrid session, so DM/email if you'd like to join the discussion! We're gonna be talking about Thibault et al. (2023): #Open #Science 2.0: Towards a truly collaborative research ecosystem. ☕🍵🧠⚡
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PhD position in history & philosophy of science at UniMelb with Fiona Fidler and me and the rest of the MetaMelb crowd! Pass it on to any prospective PhD students you know who might be interested (and stay tuned for another similar position in psych at UniMelb soon!)
Come join us in #hps at UniMelb! PhD scholarship in our #Metascience Research Lab with the amazing @fidlerfm.bsky.social & @simine.com Possible topics include open science, peer review, self-correction, trust in science - put your EOI in now! #philsci #sts
PhD position for the MetaMelb Research Initiative : Find an Expert : The University of Melbournefindanexpert.unimelb.edu.au <p> <strong>The PhD Project</strong> </p> <p> The MetaMelb Research Initiative is an interdisciplinary Metascience group. Metascience is a research field that has grown out of the replication crisis in social, behavioural, life and biomedical sciences. It studies the norms and practices of science, often with the intent of intervening and evaluating alternative methods and practices. </p> <p> The successful applicant will deminstrate willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team environment. </p> <p> <strong>Scholarship Benefits</strong> </p> <p> The scholarship benefits include: </p> <ul> <li>Full fee offset for up to four years </li> <li>A stipend of &#36;37,000 per year pro rata (2024 full time study rate) for up to 3.5 years. </li> <li>Benefits as per the <a href="https://gradresearch.unimelb.edu.au/scholarships/graduate-research-scholarship-terms-and-conditions#benefits">Graduate Research Scholarship Terms and Conditions</a> </li> </ul> <p> <strong>Eligibility</strong> </p> <p> Applicants for this scholarship must meet the entry requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Arts (full details can be found on the <a href="https://study.unimelb.edu.au/find/courses/graduate/doctor-of-philosophy-arts/">Doctor of Philosophy - Arts</a> web pages) and have received a minimum result of first-class Honours or equivalent in their undergraduate degree and/or demonstrated a similarly high level of performance in a graduate degree. It is essential that the candidate meets the University’s English language requirements. </p> <p> <strong>Applications</strong> </p> <p> <strong><em>How to Apply</em></strong> </p> <p> <em><br> To start the EOI process, please submit the Expression of Interest form with the following by <strong>10 June 2024</strong>:</em> </p> <ul> <li> <em>A Curriculum Vitae outlining all of your complete and incomplete academic qualifications and work experience, details of any research publications (if relevant), and listing two referees.</em> </li> <li> <em>Academic Transcripts</em> </li> <li> <em>a 5,000-word writing sample drawn from your prior research (e.g. Masters or Honours thesis)</em> </li> <li> <em>A one to two-page research proposal including:</em> <ul> <li> <em>A short description of their general Metascience interest (e.g., computational reproducibility, peer review, research integrity)</em> </li> <li> <em>Outline of a specific project within the nominated area of interest</em> </li> <li> <em>List of any substantive science discipline(s) they have experience and/or training in (e.g., psychology, economics, biomedicine)</em> </li> <li> <em>Any relevant background or training in history, philosophy, sociology or psychology of science</em> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p> <em>The EOI process may close early if a preferred candidate is identified. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview. Please note any invitation to apply does not guarantee candidature or scholarship offer. For more information about our PhD program and application process, please visit </em><a href="https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/study/graduate-research"><strong><em>this website</em></strong></a><em>.</em> </p> <p> Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview prior to the final selection being made. </p> <p> <strong>Enquiries</strong> </p> <p> Please contact Professor Fiona Fidler (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>) by email with any enquiries. </p>
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"Trinity said it would give places to six postgraduate and two undergraduate scholars from Gaza. 'All fees have been waived for these scholars and Trinity will use its Sanctuary Fund to provide accommodation.'" www.theguardian.com/world/articl...
Trinity College Dublin agrees to divest from Israeli firms after student protestwww.theguardian.com Five-day encampment in university grounds that caused the college major loss of income ended in victory for campaigners