
I have to say that thanks to Bluesky(&Cara too)I'm finding the joy to draw my OCs again and it feels like people are genuinely interested in/excited about them.Haven't felt that in years.I'm getting flashbacks from old dA when people actually asked me questions/got excited to see them.So thank you<3
its almost like people were always interested in oc content the algorithm just wouldn't show it to them be the concept of an algorithm you have no personal control over is broken
ahah probably 😆 but it's nice to post stuff on places that don't deal with shitty algorithm
Same! Before that, i was always stuck with just drawing fan art all day everyday, altho it's fun to do but it felt like a fucking race to see who can put out the meme with the popular characters first and it's EVERY TIME a meme prompt is put out 😭
Aw man, yeah that's a bit stressful! I was never into drawing fan art, but mostly people wanted to see dogs from me and although I LOVE dogs (I have 4) I have been drawing dogs since I was 3, it's nice to draw something else for a while and have people still interested lol
I feel ya! As much as i like cookie run, i ain't gonna draw that all the time, and i rather draw other things from time to time c':
it makes me so happy to see oc art and interest in it on the rise again! It's usually so hard for me to want to draw fanart but ocs? Gimme all the oc stuff 🤲
Right?! Same here! Yeah I get that about fan art. I would rather draw my own characters or my friends' I think the only show that got me excited to the point of wanting and making fan art was Black Sails.
MhhMMM lemme just draw my silly blue dog guy 500 times in a row i'll never get sick of it haha I havent seen that one but I'm the same for sure. There's only a handful of series that I'll spend my energy on.
Ahah exactly! XD Oh it's great, I have seen it too many times. It's about pirates and it's the story of Captain Flint from treasure Island. And yeah definitely same
ooooo perhaps I'll have to check it out~ I've had our flag means death on my list for a hot min as well hmmm
Oh yeah I would definitely recommend it! Black Sails is more "serious" than Our Flag Means Death though but there are still LGBTQIA+ characters in it and the costumes are so great, more historical Not to mention the writing is so good ;A;
It’s pretty awesome here! I know I love meeting all the OC’s that folks have. The creativity and enthusiasm is fantastic. I’m a virtual unknown myself, but even I notice more of a response to my OC’s here than anywhere else. It’s delightful!
It really is! And yeah I feel the same. I love to see what people create and they are passionate about 🩵 Yeah for sure, I don't usually get the same engagement in the other place
I am so invested in your fictional band. Please draw them and tell me all about them.
Just so you know, this makes me INCREDIBLY happy 💙 I am in the process of drawing a poster for Keith (the drummer) so hopefully I will share that soon! And if you have any questions about them feel free to ask, I'd gladly answer!
I'm glad it's rekindling your love for your OC's!! I'm still hoping to get to a point one day where maybe people might be interested in my own, but it's great you're experiencing that interest here and on cara!! Gives me a bit of hope haha.
Thank you 🩵 Aw well I am very interested in your OCs! It takes a bit of time to get traction but hopefully you will get more people too 🩵
They are all so nice and distinctive you have awesome ocs!