Wurmpth Furdber

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Wurmpth Furdber


Music teacher. One half of microtonal rock duo Body Breaks. Suns fan. Montrealer.

IG: @mattlegroulx
All of my music is at: https://phonautographrecords.bandcamp.com
All of my writing is at: https://phonautographrecords.substack.com
editors who work on music texts: I've been trying to find a way to insert musical symbols (such as flat, sharp, and natural signs) into running texts within MS Word (Office 365) for Mac. I can do it, but the symbols look terrible and don't fit with TNR at all. Is there a method that works for you?
I'm a huge jazz fan but I don't think anyone can top contemporary jazz musicians in the sheer dullness of their song titles. If that little creativity is going into the titles it makes me wonder about the music.
After 7 years of loyal service my Focusrite Scarlett has gone to the land of wind and ghosts. Before I do a 1:1 replacement, any Podcaster Types want to recommend an alternative of similar price worth considering? Must be portable.
Me in line at the thrift store standing next to the vinyl I never bother looking through unless I'm killing time. "I don't think I actually have Concert By The Sea. I should pick it up if it's in decent shape." "No, it can't be." 🤯
This is a really good four-part documentary series if you can get your hands on it.
Made $30 selling a vinyl copy of one of my albums and that money went straight into paying for my daughter's new school uniform.
Well folks, I did it. I bought the autographed picture of Little Jimmy Dickens.
Should I buy this autographed picture of Little Jimmy Dickens?
Should I buy this autographed picture of Little Jimmy Dickens?
What a nutso rhythm section on this weird little album.
In case you missed and for some reason care I put out a new song yesterday with a video. This is from album #41 since 2010, Kitten In The Molehouse.
I also made a video by superimposing old VHS and camcorder footage of me at various stages of my musical development between the ages of 4 and 19 and chroma keying it so hard that it pushed into glitch territory. youtu.be/To0WuqV4RZ4
High Five - Frozen in dropsyoutu.be From the album "Kitten in the molehouse". https://phonautographrecords.bandcamp.com
Well, well, look what I just found at the thrift store?
I also made a video by superimposing old VHS and camcorder footage of me at various stages of my musical development between the ages of 4 and 19 and chroma keying it so hard that it pushed into glitch territory. youtu.be/To0WuqV4RZ4
High Five - Frozen in dropsyoutu.be From the album "Kitten in the molehouse". https://phonautographrecords.bandcamp.com
Having coffee so I can stay up until it's time to go to bed.
I'm tackling Trinkle Tinkle next in the process of learning every Monk tune on guitar and I'm "this" close to being able to play at speed. I've been watching YouTube videos of guitarists doing it and EVERYONE plays it wrong except Miles Okazaki and Sean McGowan. Russell Malone? Wrong! Larry Coryell?
It just struck me that one thing I love about living in a city, maybe the thing that I love the most is that there are all these neighborhoods with people from all over the world and you can just go there. It's the closest I'll ever experience to a world without borders. Every big city is the world.
I never release anything on Friday but it might line up that way this time.
If you can find this album, tracks 1 and 9 are some of the most beautiful music you'll ever hear. Especially 9. Wrecks me every time.
Prepping a new single for the end of the week. Here's the single I released from the last album. The video features Black Paw: Queen of the Yard. I think this is one of my better songs, I really like this one.
High Five - Ailing hard in the afternoon lightyoutu.be From the album "Call me the priest, call me the doctor" on Phonautograph Records.
Just had the urge to re-do all of the bass parts on the new album that I played with a pick to slap bass.
This ingredients list goes completely off the rails on the next page.