
One of the things that folks keep missing in the 14AS3 stuff is that *the entire point of 14AS3* is that it is both permitted and necessary for the health of ordinary democracy that those who try to overthrow it by force are excluded from it.
14AS3 doesn't say Trump gets excluded from the ballot because he's a terrible person, or has terrible policies, or has shitty opinions about things. It says he's excluded from the ballot *because he tried an insurrection*. He tried to usurp the power of government by force after losing the election
If Trump had, after losing the election, just not done an insurrection, and instead left office normally on Jan 20, nobody would be having a conversation about 14AS3, and he would be plainly eligible to run for office again. Like, it's not actually all that hard a concept to wrap your head around.
One would think. Anyway, thank you for splashing sense all over this platform today sir.
Maybe then we would be pushing the document case harder? But I don't think that would fit in 14a.
I don't think the FL/documents case gets you anywhere close to "insurrection". Jan6 gets you there. Mishandling classified documents doesn't.
Agreed. Unless you sold them to a foreign agent - then more treason than insurrection. But, I was thinking more along the lines of felony conviction and how that might impact eligibility. I'm not a lawyer - but my understanding is that it does NOT keep you off federally.
It's inconceivable that he did NOT sell or give them to a foreign agent. But since we were not formally at war, that probably wouldn't reach the very high bar of treason as defined by the Constitution. Espionage, though...
No, not at all. But the FL/docs case gets you close to "Trump in prison" which is a perfectly fine thing. And there's precedent for running for president from prison - Eugene Debs, convicted of preaching Socialism, and Lyndon LaRouche, convicted of misusing the credit cards of donors.