
alas these days what amounts to political courage in the US these days is hiring unpaid interns to post pictures of you with laser eyes and label it #based
Joking aside, one of the things Harris-as-candidate can do that Biden-as-candidate cannot is she can take credit for good things the admin does, distance herself from bad or even just unpopular things, and articulate a specific vision of improvement if elected
Best time for her to practice was, well, ..., a long time ago. But second best time is right now
Am I hallucinating or is she also doing that thing where she is unconsciously adopting a version of the local accent? I know it is a thing people do naturally, but you gotta be careful when you're a national politician, cos it can alienate people, as an early 90s NZ PM discovered.
The CIA has to agree to stop shooting tranq darts at her, but who knows what dark transformation they're holding at bay?
Darts? I thought they were directed energy weapons.
I remember her as a senator doing a pretty good job grilling witnesses. Bring out the lawyer in her and she's on firm ground.
Nothing brings the left wing prison abolitionists to the polls like a former prosecutor and Attorney General
Given Biden's history they probably didn't vote for him last time so is the election going to be won by catering to them at the expense of disgruntled-with-Trump voters and lunch-pail Democrats? I don't know.
I think the best way to appeal to people who voted for Biden last time is probably to keep running Biden till he croaks, but I'm not a political consultant so who cares what I think
I still think that's the best option too.