
I'm not a fan of quoting the Founding Fathers when it comes to contemporary debates. In most cases, I hate it. The earth belongs in usufruct to the living, the dead having neither powers nor rights over it. But as the U.S. approaches July 4th, these words feel particularly pertinent and relevant.
Some of them had terrible practices but even they knew sports teaming the government was a bad idea. The sad part is, they picked the worst government type to resist fascism. A government where 3 can rule over 2 is not free.
What’s frustrating reading Madison’s journal of Philadelphia is being able to see the Framers understand that the concept of a presidency is fatally flawed, but they talked themselves into going with it anyway. Meanwhile, history has shown that parliamentary republics are indeed the way to go.
It's funny because wasn't it just a few of the founding fathers who staunchly refused to give up their idea of government? I believe any form of power that permits a hierarchy over others is flawed. Free association is the most human and does not punish people for being a minority.