long cool woman in a white coat

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long cool woman in a white coat


Registered Drug Dealer, or Qualified Green Witch. Make everything with recreational potential OTC. Leftist Lefty. Herbivorous Herbalist. Bird Nerd. Allegedly Allistic Alliteration Ally. Choose nonviolence. ☸️♐️⚜️🏳️‍🌈
Remember Nylon magazine's bag check? I was late for work and couldn't find my badge so this is mine. (Specifically, it's more of a suitcase, I do carry a big purse though. That gets lots of compliments, even though it's a plain black The Sak.) Yes, that's a Prozac spatula and a crow feather.
Update: the bebe crow knocked over one of my succulents, it fell down a step and that scared them into flying away. So at least they can fly, which was concerning me. 🖤
There is a fledgling crow on my porch, which I did not notice until the parents started dive-bombing me. They're still on the porch. I forgot my phone in my car and had to go through my garage to get it. The parents still yelled at me.
The most fun part of seeing this comment in my notifications was trying to remember what it was in response to. Take a wild guess!
So this person has a "self-harm" warning on their profile, and I went through a lot of shitposts trying to figure out if it was because of this skeet or something else. I didn't find anything else.
Pine State Biscuits' Veggie Reggie, with an Arnold Palmer in the shade. Nice way to wait while Betty gets an oil change/tire rotation/etc.
My lovely view. Those are Face Rock Creamery's "In Your Face" 3 pepper cheddar cheese curds. Life isn't so bad.
I like having stairs that look like a place where Japanese goth girls would line up to take photos. Also, I can't think of other things to do with rose petals. I tried making paper out of them, that didn't work so well. I hope I make the mail carrier feel regal.
You know what's really annoying? Monosexuals who assume we choose who to date based on internalized homophobia that they also assume we've never considered. But I'm sure this lesbian here has no internalized homophobia she hasn't unpacked. Oh, sorry, *they.*
I've heard the phrase "bag of worms" used to describe what a heart looks like in ventricular fibrillation. For those unfamiliar, this is a form of cardiac arrest, and will quickly cause death if not treated. Use that information as you will.
How slow was traffic? So slow Spotify chose this track at random. (And slow enough that I occasionally came to a complete stop. Don't do this while driving, kids, it's very illegal.)
Fab 5 Betty apparently hit quite a few bugs on the way here, and could use a bath. Yes, those fuzzy dice were hand-felted by yours truly. They're not as fuzzy as my traveling companion, Peter Murphy, but they came out nice.
Out in the hotel parking lot smoking a clove and between the lot and I think the I-5 is a legit patch of forest. I'd go exploring, but didn't bring any bug repellant. There's something in there making noise and I think it's a frog but could also possibly be a bird.
My hotel room overlooks the parking lot, but it still manages to be a nice view.
FYI, if anyone was thinking of trying this, it's a joke, you will see a lot of dicks, which lesbians are of course famously fond of.
"Hey, can you pick me up a Monster?" "What kind?" "The bisexual can." "The what?"
It's Vegan Vendredi and I am once again asking why tf would anyone put egg in this?
I wonder what they mean by "finish the job 🌈" Oh, right, we know exactly what that means, because it happened in the 1930s in Germany. Come at me, bro.
You just overthrew Capitalism. The 10th picture in your gallery is the world’s new economic system. No more fat cats, now we got fat finches.
You just overthrew Capitalism. The 10th picture in your gallery is the world’s new economic system. One cat = one owl
Oh hey, that's me! Maybe we're unhappy workers because we know less than $100k is unfair? Oh, you conveniently left that part out. You also left out that this is about workers, not who's happiest in general. For someone with MDD, I'm doing pretty well, thanks. 🙂
This is about Angela Chao, the former transportation secretary's sister. Whatever she did--and it appears her only crime was being rich--she didn't deserve to die. Period. Nobody does. Why are we pretending this level of hatred for a human being is acceptable?
Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I'm pretty sure they said the same thing about acetaminophen, which, last I heard, was the leading cause of liver transplants in the U.S. Norgestrel may not have many contraindications, but you just know some idiot is going to find a way to use this wrong.
It will be sold online and in the family planning aisle of drugstores, convenience stores and supermarkets later this month, the manufacturer announced Monday.
First over-the-counter birth control pill heads to storeswww.npr.org Women will be able to buy the pill without a prescription later this month at pharmacies and grocery stores.
The question we should be asking is why are clinics shutting down if the ruling only *might someday* apply to them. How exactly are they handling their embryos, if having them considered children would put a stop to their entire operation? There's the ones they destroy in the process, but....🧵
I'm so addicted to these things, and the big jars make great storage.
This guy would "love to go back to" a time where women raping men was common and men were sex objects. Because in fantasies like these, you're only being "raped" by women you find attractive. There's nothing wrong with kinks, but your fantasies do not belong in serious discussions about rape, ffs.