long cool woman in a white coat

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long cool woman in a white coat


Registered Drug Dealer, or Qualified Green Witch. Make everything with recreational potential OTC. Leftist Lefty. Herbivorous Herbalist. Bird Nerd. Allegedly Allistic Alliteration Ally. Choose nonviolence. ☸️♐️⚜️🏳️‍🌈
I'll be waiting patiently while he thinks of an example.
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Lest I be misinterpreted, I never said RBG did nothing wrong.
The crow parents still seem mad at me, like their fledgling landing on my porch was somehow my fault. I put out a handful of peanuts and a shiny piece of foil as a peace offering, I hope they like it.
He may be getting elderly, but it's a little bit of comfort knowing there's a leftist former infantryman out there who will, albeit only if necessary, teach me how to shoot. Because this is a terrorist threat and should be treated as such before it's too late.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
When I first heard "Panic Song," I had only recently been diagnosed with MDD, and would not discover I had panic disorder for another few years. But it resonated with me, from the sinister-sounding intro to the outro. I wanna jump out, too, Mike. I didn't know why I had these horrible feelings...🧵
As a 90s theater kid, Billie Joe did indeed help me discover my sexual orientation by confirming I am absolutely, positively, most definitely attracted to men. They also deserve credit for being open about mental illness, which sounds like a joke, but in the 90s "neurodivergence" wasn't a thing.
I don't think Portlanders ever really bought into the stereotypes about Prius drivers, because literally everyone here drives a Prius. Ok, slight exaggeration. The other 3rd of the city drives Subarus Outbacks. But seriously, there are just too many. Fast Priuses, slow ones, 1st gen, brand new....🧵
Sprinklers are on at the rest stop today and the robins are teaching their fledglings how to hunt for worms. ❤
Despite rather recent central/south American history, U.S.ians tend to associate guns and military culture with right wing values. Maybe we should continue to do that, for the element of surprise. Don't tell Trump what would actually happen if he ordered the military to fire on civilians.
Lot of people on here seem to assume that the US military is basically as bad as US police when it comes to “being totally dominated by frothing MAGA freaks.” This is absolutely NOT the case.
*pleure en français*
Breaking: Le Pen’s far-right party is projected to come first in French vote Read more: www.bloomberg.com/news/live-bl...
Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
I just want to know why, if she was in Boise, they flew her to *Utah*. Because idk if St. Alphonsus in Ontario is the closest ER, but according to Google maps, it's less than an hour drive. Much faster if you're in an ambulance. Perhaps they thought flying to SLC would make a better story?
It happened. It happened, y'all. I stopped at a light, and right next to me in the next lane was another Prius. And it had the bumper sticker. The one that says: "Cool Prius" --nobody And y'all, let me tell you, the urge to roll down my window and yell "COOL PRIUS!" was overwhelming.
My conversation with my mom lasted a whole 40 minutes before she made me cry, I think we have a new record! 🏆🎆🎊
I saw some truly vile shit on Xitter today, no content warning, and I really wish everyone I follow there would just pack up and move here.
Update: the bebe crow knocked over one of my succulents, it fell down a step and that scared them into flying away. So at least they can fly, which was concerning me. 🖤
There is a fledgling crow on my porch, which I did not notice until the parents started dive-bombing me. They're still on the porch. I forgot my phone in my car and had to go through my garage to get it. The parents still yelled at me.
My favorite artist is a toss-up between Skinny Puppy and KMFDM. I appreciate good lyrics, and have an affinity for clever ones, but if I can't understand a single word, that doesn't affect the quality of the song.
I think an important factor in musical taste is how much you care about lyrics and whether they make sense as someone who loves both Train’s “Drops of Jupiter” and Savage Garden’s “The Animal Song” I appear to fall firmly into the “lyrics can be total nonsense” category
The most fun part of seeing this comment in my notifications was trying to remember what it was in response to. Take a wild guess!
I have to go in for a drug screen to get a new job. What if a drug dealer threatens to club me over the head if I don't smoke his meth? How am I supposed to make my new employer understand that I don't smoke meth unless somebody threatens to club me over the head so I'll smoke his meth?
medical ad disclaimers in the USA are incredible " the side effects of this pill for acne include but are not limited to seizures, heart attack, stroke, brain bleed, Ebola and spontaneous combustion, consult your physician before purchase" consult the undertaker you mean the fuck are you selling
Wow. Just...wow.
She voted for Biden in 2020. She'd always voted Democratic, but abortion rights are very important to her, and when Biden got rid of Roe v. Wade he was betraying everybody who'd fought so hard for abortion rights, so she'd be voting for Trump because he protected abortion while he was President.
Same. Amusingly, I find the person he's responding to insufferable, that's why I blocked her.
I am sure there are lots of people who think I am insufferable and may they continue to vent to each other in peace out of my sight and thought processes
Today I counseled a pt on switching from Ambien to amitriptyline for sleep. He was quite angry about it. "The government shouldn't be interfering with what meds I take! Ambien doesn't make me constipated or give me dry mouth!" It also doesn't raise your risk of heart disease even at high doses.
Pro Tip: if you are going through someone's IG and want to tell the person they're attractive, do not do so on sad selfies about the person hating their job and/or life. Make the effort to find posts that are happy or neutral, lest we conclude your "kind of girl" is a sad one.
So this person has a "self-harm" warning on their profile, and I went through a lot of shitposts trying to figure out if it was because of this skeet or something else. I didn't find anything else.