
When I first heard "Panic Song," I had only recently been diagnosed with MDD, and would not discover I had panic disorder for another few years. But it resonated with me, from the sinister-sounding intro to the outro. I wanna jump out, too, Mike. I didn't know why I had these horrible feelings...🧵
As a 90s theater kid, Billie Joe did indeed help me discover my sexual orientation by confirming I am absolutely, positively, most definitely attracted to men. They also deserve credit for being open about mental illness, which sounds like a joke, but in the 90s "neurodivergence" wasn't a thing.
...of doom and terror that reduced me to tears almost as far back as I can remember. I must have been around 6 or 7 years old when I burst into hysterical crying during Christmas at my grandparents' laid back beach house. Surrounded by family, they all liked me, I had nothing to cry about. But...
...the feelings were there. I couldn't breathe. I stuck out and crying made it worse. Everyone is now staring at me, wanting to know what's wrong. And I didn't know. I couldn't explain it. However, this was the side of my family where mental illness doesn't run, it gallops. I wonder if they knew. /🧵