
If I'm critical of Boston's "Pride 4 The People," it's because I was a part of their coalition, back when they were trying to get our old Pride to be better, before they took it over. It's because I remember what they promised to be, and I know Pride can be better than this.
it does seem worth mentioning, however, that at Boston Pride, the BPD were used to prevent anti-genocide protesters from joining the march, several of whom were then arrested. What kind of ‘Pride’ has cops arrest queer attendees protesting its connection to genocide-enabling corporations?
I know that Pride events don't have to use police to kettle and arrest protesters yelling "No Pride In Genocide," because at our event, those protesters LEAD THE MARCH.
See this is how it should be done. What they did locally was not the right approach. They waited until an established event, another protest of sorts, was in full swing, and then blockaded it to shout their own message over the pride crowd. Like we wouldn't all support their protest had they asked
I'm for the protests. I'm not for "say, that's a nice pride event you've got going there. Be a shame if we held it hostage for our own use".
they were not holding the Boston Pride For The People event hostage, they were demanding it DO BETTER. P4TP is sponsored by corps with investments in Israeli weapons, and has done events with the Israeli consulate. these weren’t outside protesters, these were queer people who refused to be complicit
That's not what I said. And you're not wrong.