
This is how involuntary commitment is *currently* abused, in Florida, one of the states where it is an easily available tool for law enforcement. How do you think it would be used by police and authorities nationwide if it became a more popular and available tool?
I come from Florida. I've seen what "forcing into treatment" looks like. It looks like picking up traumatized people on Baker Act charges and involuntarily holding them in underfunded, understaffed, dangerous asylums, where they are tranquilized and forgotten. It looks like atrocity.
Costly and Cruel: How Misuse of the Baker Act Harms 37,000
It was hard for me to get out when I put myself in due to a nervous breakdown when I lived there. One of the hardest things I ever had to do is prove my sanity while soaked to the gills in I don't know what kind of drugs. I could hardly keep myself awake and had to keep myself logical and rational.
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I don't know what that link is, I make mistakes