
this is the thing, all of this “we need confirmation!” is entirely subjective. we have, on one hand, anonymous sources with vague “close to the campaign” or “close to lawmakers” descriptions from political hacks, and then we have actual fucking politicians saying everything’s fun, calm the fuck down
Roy Cooper has now met with Biden twice in five days and there’s no hint of him being discouraged despite a pretty distinct drumbeat of “goddamnit Cal” from him in October 2020
I think my own crisis of confidence is less about Biden and more about a lot of Dem-adjacent bloggers and pundits. Lost a lot of respect for quite a few that I formerly used as guideposts.
YEP Been seeing a lot of blogger-types who ought to know better just guzzling obvious disinformation and propaganda campaigns with no critical thought at all. Like, is it the heat or something? I really don’t know.