
What did Biden 'do' though? The Crime Bill? The RAVE Act? Getting into politics for those terms to fight bussing? Supported the wars? It seems like he was 'capable' as an administrator because he and the racists on the other side were on the same pages.
He gave people permission to vote for Barack Obama. Biden prioritized US manufacturing and renewables, growing domestic solar and wind at a record pace. He fixed public service loan forgiveness and hired aggressive regulators. Dude has never been my first choice but he's been very productive.
'he gave people permission to vote for Barack Obama' is probably one of the most racist things I've read on here, congrats. Also he's approving record oil leases and his renewable push comes with equal oil/coal/gas alotments
increasing energy exports bolstered EU resolve for UKR sanctions (we also cancelled permits for LNG terminals in the U.S., reducing the likelihood these exports grow). The IRA puts us on track, cutting GHGs by 33% by 2030. Climatologists are stoked about it. 40 GWs of solar installed in 2023 alone!
like I'm sorry but as someone who was pounding pavement hard for Obama he had massive support even in fucking Texas and shit, what Biden gave was the very racist political establishment some 'permission', not the average voter
Thanks for putting words in my mouth
America is a racist country - sorry for observing that
I spent 2008 organizing for Obama like a second job, and worked on the 2012 campaign in Chicago. I don't *like* our racist politics but here we are.