
Work our asses off. Every state. Every election. Every time. It's the only solution.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
While I haven't contacted the local democratic party, after yesterday I have earmarked a few days off around the election to be an election worker. Just waiting for the page to open up. I'll be damned if I let anyone intimidate election workers.
let me get this straight. In Idaho, you now need an ID, to go to the LIBRARY?... what's worse/bigger than a dumpster fire, because it feels like that's where the US is.
Centralia mine fire. Or Reichstag fire. Take your pick.
Centralia I've heard of, off to google Reichstag and learn something new
I am just impressed that they care more about kids that might see some words that offend them (the GQP) while they ignore the pedophiles in their organizations raping kids.