
This whole thread is worthwhile, but Kairi drills down to some of the more important questions here. It's easy to preen on behalf of victims whose stories you exploit and who you'll never check in on again--just another resource to burn through, one more disposable account.
It's far harder to build a sustainable community, however. Social media is frequently a carnival of traumas on display; they drive engagement, ratchet up the emotions that keep people posting. But the platform will never, ever heal you, nor give you peace.
That's not on us as individual users to solve, because I don't think there's a way to build places like this that'll *ameliorate* this issue--never mind fix it. But it is incumbent on us to not hold out the false hope of healing-through-Discourse.
Caring for abuse victims will require meaningful stewardship, guidance back into the arms of trusted friends (especially those with whom the victim has a physical connection--someone they can see in-person), and often guidance away from the platform.
It means connection to durable resources and trustworthy organisations; it means helping people deepen healthier ties that leave them less dependent on the platform; it means ensuring that they're not just another bit of #content, in other words.
I want to believe that this place could do more than just point mobs at worthy targets. But I admit a certain amount of pessimism on that score. I don't know if this place can truly be a space for healing the afflicted. Only offering the illusion of momentary vengeance--same as it ever was.