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queer chronically ill autistic amorphous blob
I never learned how to be funny on the internet
artist afterhours: instagram.com/quixoticpress
buy my art!!!: quixoticpress.bigcartel.com
I told my mum the cap wasn't on her soda enough bc I heard hissing but it didn't go away even after she was asleep & I just realized it was the built in usb charger in the wall I had my phone plugged into. I had to take it out & plug a proper charger into the outlet beside it instead so I can sleep.
Reposted byAvatar heathbird
going to the states today for the first time in a while & the candy aisle at Target is NOT ready for me ok
I just saw the term "dopamine dressing" and like. you mean dressing in clothing that you like? clothing that makes you feel good? we needed a fun, quirky term for that? my god I'm becoming a crochety old man.
at least I got to see this idiot today.
it's actually so horrifying to really try to be an artist I totally understand why I didn't think I had it in me to be one in university. you're prepared for rejection when you apply for things, but the passive rejection of just not getting any interest in your work online is constant.
I have the same goal I find myself having frequently after consuming too many nuggets - I really should start cooking food again.
Reposted byAvatar heathbird
If you think "working class" is white male auto workers who live in the suburbs, and not multiracial Starbucks baristas, Amazon warehouse workers, and Wal-Mart greeters of all genders, you are perpetuating a revanchist racist myth, the reality of which died with Reagan.
Reposted byAvatar heathbird
tech execs think we want AI but we we really want is the science goo
seriously i just want to spend a few days asleep in some science goo, is that too much to ask
I got into the oil pastels today and I'm not sure if I'm done with my rat here yet but I am pretty proud of this boy here. oil pastels are thiccccc in a way that makes my brain brrr
I have been feeling spectacularly bummed about my art lately. it just feels like I royally fucked up by not finishing either of my bachelor's & gaining more skills bc all it did was close so many doors & now I have all this debt for absolutely nothing!!
Reposted byAvatar heathbird
honks my little clown horn and does a wheelie
this is why tumblr will always be superior to instagram. would they let you have a name like this??? not for long anyway.
my brain is such a gem, it was like- what's better than dreaming of one ex? dreaming of two exes!! though it was suuuuper entertaining bc one of them was giving the other incredibly unsolicited relationship advice. so I guess that helps.
I'm really annoyed bc I finally looked at who got the artist residency I had applied to & it's someone who is actually pretty well established and is working on a bunch of stuff that's already scheduled to majorly show.
part of my issue with not being able to create art in the way I want is my difficulty with being perceived. I had the same struggle with our shared studio in art school. I wanted walls around me. I hated that anyone could glance over and offer comment. I wanted to be left alone in my process.
amazon's targeted ads really got me this time. I feel so seen. all I want in life is this & an apartment big enough to put this on the floor in the living room so I can sprawl out the way the good lord intended me to.
life has gotten progressively more miserable every year since 2017 and I'm honestly just not sure how to handle this anymore. I'm out of ideas. I don't know where to go from here.
life always feels bleakest in the mornings, right? that's not just me?
every time I wake up from a nap all it's accomplished is passing time and instilling rage into my heart that I can't just go back to sleep until the next day.
words cannot express how much I want to scream every time they change the dressing on my burn wound holy fucking god OUCH
comics people- does it really matter what day and time I post on instagram? do I have to appease the algorithm?
all I want to do is make art for a living, is that really such a childish and unrealistic desire? I don't feel like it should be, but it seems to be.
I really wanted to draw today but I feel pretty unstable (insane) so I don't think it's happening. I'm not sure what is up with my brain but it sure is doing something.
I have been getting tiny blips of vertigo since last night & I feel like one of those hurricane katrina dogs when there's a thunderstorm.
it's really validating that so many people have resonated with my comic about being ignored & belittled by their doctors but also like fucking god damnit why is this SO common
I thought they were really fun from every angle tbh. self-portrait Thursday? sure.
I had one of the worst days of my entire life back in January & I thought to myself, well the rest of the year has got to get better from here! and it's kinda funny how that hasn't been true for even one second.
the burn doctor prescribed me this obscene amount of antibiotic ointment that cost $55 since I don't have insurance & you should see the tiny dab they put on when they change the dressing.
it's Disability pride month so I finally made a comic about how fun it's been trying to get a diagnosis for my chronic illness(es?) 🤙🏻 you'd think with a distinct family history things would be easier, but apparently not (unless you're a man)!!!