
I don't want to ban AI. I want its use focused on the things it's actually going to be good at - drug discovery, weather forecasting, economic forecasting, that sort of stuff. There is no obvious universal consumer application for it, and this messes with the dotcom tech business model.
It's literally killing the planet, Edward, we're beyond that point.
no, what is killing the planet is idiot applications of it. And streaming which is a massive energy hog.
No, what's killing the planet is the large amount of compute it needs, the cobalt mining to create the silicon and GPUs, the electricity to run it which is often still coal based in some places, and greed. Your argument is half-baked come back when you're done thinking about it.
Well, what's actually killing the planet is cars, planes, shipping and deforestation. The vast amount of compute is being used for the wrong purposes. Useful application domains are much smaller than the mass market being chased by techbros so need fewer cycles.
You clearly aren't doing the reading and haven't been and it shows. Muting you now. You're not arguing in good faith and I find you irritating besides. Goodbye.