Rachel Rossos

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Rachel Rossos


folk rock storyteller, singer/songwriter/producer for the band Aurical, and VP of Marketing and Membership for the League of American Orchestras.
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Today, join us in supporting the #FansFirstAct and stand with the independent live entertainment community against unfair ticketing practices. Let Congress know we need transparency and fairness in ticketing. Make your voice heard: www.votervoice.net/LAO/campaign...
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Baby bluejays left the nest yesterday. So grateful to have caught them with my camera. #birds
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This guy is ready for summer 🪶
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What's that? Oh, just a hawk flying past the World Trade Center in NYC, as they do. 😊🪶
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Positive photo day 1518: Happy #MothersDay to all the moms out there. This photo is from May 2, 2020, when we had a swan family in Van Cortlandt Park. It just seemed appropriate for today. #birds 🪶in the Bronx.
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According to the Merlin app, a Spotted Flycatcher. If so a first for me on my home patch. #UKbirds #UKwildlife #birds #summermigrants
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Tree swallow on crabapple 🪶
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For Mother's Day, I'd like to share the story of a Mallard mother who spotted an otter stalking her ducklings and splashed around in the pond to distract it while her young ones made it to safety in the reeds #birds #mammals
This is the first orchestra I've seen that has completely removed the barriers to recording during a concert. I look forward to seeing how it plays out for them over time - if they can make it work smoothly, maybe other symphonies will have an easier time following suit.
New from Symphony: City of Birmingham Symphony Allows Audiences to Take Photos and Videos in the Concert Hall
City of Birmingham Symphony Allows Audiences to Take Photos and Videos in the Concert Halldlvr.it
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Species #109 of 2024 🪶 Yellow-crowned Night Heron Lubbock, TX
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A snowy egret pulling up a snack. #birds
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I don’t have a black-and-white warbler but I did get this Hooded Warbler in TX. 🪶
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A classic brown Aberdeenshire Willow Warbler at Girdle Ness today. We often get territorial birds that lack the yellow and olive tones of normal British Willow Warblers. They're reminiscent of the subspecies abietinus that breeds further east. #Birds #UKbirding #BirdingScotland
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My inaugural #birds post is going to be this handsome tricolored heron in some nice lighting
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Ooh fancy new Merlin update. 🪶
I would have loved to go to this concert.
New from Symphony: Review: Milwaukee Symphony and Indigo Girls in Concert
Review: Milwaukee Symphony and Indigo Girls in Concertdlvr.it
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Birding by ear has also multiplied how many yellow warblers I’ve ID by at least a factor of 3😅📷🪶
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A White-throated Sparrow looking impeccable and all ready for courting. They'll all be heading north soon after spending the winter here. #birds
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Species #91 of 2024 🪶 Common Grackle Lubbock, TX
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Yellow-rumped warbler in the orange grove at California State University Northridge 🪶🌿 flic.kr/p/2pBuisg
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I was pretty surprised when a sora popped out to hang out for a bit while I was wandering down a trail. #birds
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Have you seen a horde of surfbirds lately? A horde Of Surfbirds 📷🪶
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Wilson's warbler. 🪶 📷Claremont Canyon. After wintering in Cent.America, the WWs are back! I love them! Flitty & fond of thickets, they're hard to see or photograph. But the song is easy: 6-9 clear notes of increasing urgency. (Imagine telling your dog to drop that: No no no NO NO NO NO.)
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