Rachel Esselle

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Rachel Esselle


Writer. Demisexual. SAG/AFTRA. Teacher's wife. Former journalist. Infertility Warrior. EDS Zebra.

Spanish Catholic on Dad's side. Ukrainian Jew on Mom's. Lots of guilt! She/Her
All checked in for my follow up and crossing fingers and toes, y'all. I am soooo ready to be done with rubber bands and open up eating possibilities some! EEE!
Adding to timeline cleanse: How much do I love my kids? Matt drive an hour for errands and we capped it off buying my FAVORITE pizza... which I can't eat until mid-August. Yup. Love these kids. 🍕❤️
Y'all, for three weeks this bed has been covered in syringes, pill bottles, nasal sprays, beverages, a breakfast tray, and all the needed tools to keep me alive. Tonight, I have a bed, again. Trying not to weep with joy! Progress, loves. Progress.
@hillarymonahan.bsky.social I saw someone snapped this up, but I was wondering if it came in any other color than Gold? I don’t wear a lot of Gold, but LOVE the design. Thank you!!
I know I am, like, YEARS behind, but during my convalescence I started watching Ugly Delicious. It is such a beautiful way to explore culture and food. Not just American, but across the globe. How culture and food influence one another and how we find common ground. Can you tell I love food?
When 5 kids dropped out in the last 24 hours, I was worried. I could tell she was sad. But then the party started. The 3 kids that came brought so much joy, love, and light. My bestie Amber brought snacks and drinks. All the adults helped me. And Littlest felt so loved. ❤️ And that is everything.
Littlest helping make the jello for her party tomorrow. My dear friend Amber—someone so close my kids call her "aunt"—is generously taking care of most of the snacks knowing my condition. But there were still a few things we wanted to make. Jello roses, flowers, and apples! Littlest is thrilled!
Last night, I heard my Eldest at my bedside after bedtime. At first, I was frustrated because kiddo needed sleep, and so did I. Then, they slid this over to me. My sweet kid is SO creative and SO thoughtful. Can't believe they're mine. ❤️
Left the house for 40 minutes so the Littles could see the fireworks show and Matthew wouldn't be running solo in the crowds. It was a half hour show and they loved it. Our town is too small to afford fireworks on the Fourth, so this was our celebration. The kiddos LOVED it.
And so Season Two begins in our house. My Middle (left) is the BIGGEST Trekkie of the kids, but they are all three super stoked for the new season of THEIR Trek—Star Trek: Prodigy. #StarTrekProdigy
I bought my stickers!! Have you done your part? Let’s Romance the Vote! Link to Participate: www.32auctions.com/RomancingThe...
Followup #2 Surgeon says they will now cap the age of patients due to high volume at 30. I am 40 so I'm glad I squeaked in. I have to add irrigation to 2 incision points to my routine, and the doctor is changing my pain meds slightly. If I stay on track, no more rubber bands as of the 16th. EEE!
Weather is finally decent. 77 outside. So, I am watching the Littles play and rocking in the old rocking chair that likely won't last much longer. Some things are only for a season. And I treasure every one. ❤️
Thank you, Ramsey. He was. Giant of a man. Heart just as big.
Photo evidence. I was the "presenter" and Andy was the "statue" of Marie Curie. We rigged a box on the table (out of frame) that she could click an unseen switch and it would light up the green goop to make it look radioactive, then turn it off. 🤣 Nobody could figure out how we did it!
One year without you, Cheryl Anne Marek. I still can't believe you are gone. But, girl, you taught me so much about strength, about laughing through the hard times, about not letting pain stop you from making memories. I will forever love and miss you, my beautiful friend.
I LOVE my local library! I’m home resting because I haven’t slept in two nights, but Matthew took the kiddos up for a Science event. All three got to participate! I am so wicked proud of them, and so thankful to have a partner who steps up when I’m a bit incapacitated. ❤️
Awaiting discharge. A few thoughts: - Waking from surgery and hearing "she prefer sign language" made me smile (internally). I know a little, and it was helpful. - Sleeping in hospitals still sucks. - Remember to be your our advocate. I was, and it helped. Glad to go home. L Much healing awaits.
"I hear laughing! This must be the right room." My surgeon coming in to chat. 🤣 Anesthesiologist was next. "I hear this is a fun room." I already have a reputation. 🤣 About to go back. Love y'all!!!
Yesshhh!! This morning it's my forest of Endor Summer Camp. 🤣
This week, I realized my surgery in a few hours coincides with the last time I texted with my dear friend Cheryl, a week before she passed. I draw strength from that. I draw strength from her love. From our friendship. From all that we forged before I lost her. Onward, loves. Here we go. ❤️
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
Bunny! It is wabbit season here, as well! Spotted on my walk this evening.
Last meal and bubble tea before tomorrow's jaw surgery. Yes, we drove an hour for it. Yes, it was worth it!! No food or drink after midnight. I might just be a gremlin. 🤣
Surgery hooks placed for tomorrow! AND in addition to a hundred hugs from my orthodontics team, they bought me apricot rugelach from the bakery! My favorites! Tomorrow is scary, but it will be okay. The kids are off with my dad. I'm finishing my to-do list. Taking it one breath at a time. ❤️
Alright, hive mind, I have searched and searched the interwebs and came up empty over and over. Any clue what this little insect is that was clinging to my back door today?
Science is so bloody cool. NASA gave our town of 8,000 about 500 of these cool science kits, so the city has been giving them out for free! Littles are thoroughly entertained. And hopefully learning to be curious, too!
Waiting outside for Middle's showcase to open the doors. SO proud of this kid!!
Happy Anniversary, loveyby. Happy Father's Day, @mthomasg.bsky.social. 17 years of marriage. A decade of parenting together. We love you. ❤️
I know paper is passé, but I still print out every interview. I like to highlight and use different colored pens to draw out my favorite bits. To every person who has spoken to me for the WGA Strike Book thus far—and everyone in the future—thank you. I handle every word with care.