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Unholy radiance destroying all enlightenment
“National divorce” is sounding pretty good now, isn’t it…
“Norwegian central bank offers great perk” is stupid sensationalist journalism. How about actually debating total compensation compared to market pay for these government employees?
Ballmer peak. Laffer peak. Dunning-Kruger peak. So many peaks, only one valley: Valley of despair.
It would no longer surprise me if X IP-blocks European users.
In case you missed the dick-swinging (that's a legal term) going on between Elon Musk and Thierry Breton over on X, it's... possibly actually pretty important this time. They're posturing about DSA enforcement again. 1/
Is the reason lawyers get paid so much that they have to pretend law is real?
As Judge Aileen Cannon dismisses Trump's classified documents case, I'm reminded anew of a Roy Cohn quote: “Don’t tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is.” www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Judge Cannon sides with Trump, dismisses classified docs casewww.msnbc.com Judge Aileen Cannon was already credibly accused of being biased in Donald Trump's favor. Then she dismissed the classified documents case altogether.
Judge Cannon concluding her Supreme Court job application with a mic drop. Got to hand it to her. Truly the Babu Frik of federal judges.
Doing the timeline cleanse thing.
If Canadians felt like they were living above a Meth lab in 2017-2020, wonder what it will feel like in 2025-2028.
Democrats are positioning themselves for a strategic victory in 2028 by letting Trump win 2024 and hope there will still be real elections in the future.
Started working on my new Law Review article titled “If the president pardons you for it, that means it must be illegal”; a novel approach to legislating.
Excited to see how this plays out.
I guess the silver lining in Trump vs US is that it will only be law for about a year, when Trump’s DOJ prosecutes Biden for whatever.
The documents case should obviously be dropped because Trump is immune from illegally declassifying with his mind, regardless of whether or not he had authority to declassify.
In retrospect, I think this was it. “We are one health crisis away from Trump 2.0” they said – turns out that health crisis was a debate. The most optimistic take for Trump 2.0 I have found is “it will be bad, but we will still have a democracy”.
Where do the other candidates stand on this issue, and do voters prefer a president who would or would not eat a human?
Both trumpists and leftists get to be upset about where the country is headed, but trumpists are also promised vengeance and retribution, which is a very attractive proposition.
When presidents preemptively pardon themselves, do they have to enumerate the things they are pardoning themselves for, or can they just say “everything”?
Someone please ask Mitch McConnell if he would have voted to impeach if he had known Trump was immune from criminal prosecution. Really looking forward to that answer.
Wonder if the Canadian immigration website handles traffic spikes better now than in 2016.
Is a televised military tribunal for treason an official act? Presumably.
Supreme Court rules 6-3 that Biden can have Trump assassinated.
The Kremlin is now the biggest party in France. Great.
“Dude, your capitalism is showing” is some next level shit and also where mastodon insults are at now. Like, seriously, the criticism against Piketty is that he accepts capitalism as a system?
For someone who doesn’t give a shit about soccer, the european uproar over VAR really seems like some “we want rules except we don’t really want rules we want vibes and to be mad at the referee” shit.
@sranderson.bsky.social as requested – the european #RatSec contingent foreign correspondent report.
There is very little mention of the Apple AI EU delay in european (Norwegian+German) media as far as I can tell. And the little there is, is quite neutral and unsurprised. I haven’t found a single opinion piece about it, not even in tech media. Cc @qjurecic.bsky.social / #RatSec
There is very little mention of the Apple AI EU delay in european (Norwegian+German) media as far as I can tell. And the little there is, is quite neutral and unsurprised. I haven’t found a single opinion piece about it, not even in tech media. Cc @qjurecic.bsky.social / #RatSec
There are actual turtles living in the wild in Norway today, which is really cute except they are an invasive species that destroys the ecosystem and they need to be exterminated.
I urgently need a constitutional law scholar: Can Taylor Swift run for president this year? As far as I know, she turns 35 between the election and inauguration. This might be the unifying president America needs.
What is the betting market probably of Eric Trump as president in 2029?
I am actually seeing fewer content warnings over on masto nowadays, but some are still going hard.