
Indeed, I guess I should thank Tom for doing that for me 💜] Its not every day I get to talk to someone who is a Staff Writer for the Atlantic Tom, if you see this thank you for the extra eyes 👀
You’re welcome, but you’re whining about it a lot :/
Tom, I get that you're stressed about the election, but so am I I live in a town where VDARE, a white nationalist organization, is trying to buy my town... It would be great if you could use some of your energy to focus on people like them instead of myself. They are destroying the culture here
I have been writing about these people for almost 10 years. Death threats that I had to report to FBI and NCIS. (I used to work for the Navy.) Before I retired and became a writer, there were regular attempts to get me fired. You’ve made a lot of assumptions about me that are not accurate.
Observing and commenting on how you behave on this platform (and have been, for at least a few months) is not “assuming” anything. You choose to spend your time taking shots at individual leftists instead of being productive in the fight against the right. There is something deeply wrong with you.
Are you even a little interested in going after white nationalists like VDARE? Restore my faith in humanity.... please? 💜
I don’t think you’ve ever read anything I’ve ever written, or you’d know I have. But now you’re changing the subject from to “you’re not talking about the thing I want you to talk about”
Tom, I'm a life long democrat, a delegate, canvasser, and volunteer for the democrats At the same time I am very frustrated at Joe Biden and his continued support of the genocide in Palestine, and his right-wing policies he is pushing on our southern border I can walk and chew bubble gum. Can you?
1. It’s not a genocide 2. The rest is about preventing an authoritarian takeover of the United States.