
These are the same people who are going to let their kids get whooping cough to own the libs.
It's hard to communicate how radical this is. For 200 years every politician in America wanted the federal government to pay for things so they could take credit for it. It's a fundamental defining feature of American politics. But now owning the libs is more important. 1/2
My personal favorite is Iowa rolling back child labor laws, despite being informed by IA Dems & the DOL that the new law was illegal under federal law, and now having fits because DOL is assessing huge fines all over Iowa. They would rather have children work than have scary immigrants move to IA.
Until the people who are against government assistance programs need assistance for themselves or their children. Then, it's "Why won't the government help me and my family?"
It's pretty sad for them, especially when their reps are voting against said aid, and blaming the dems/others for those problems. They act like they're a fly-over state, bc no help is coming to them. It's like watching a person with 1 leg in a butt kicking contest.
People have no idea how deadly the measles is to children.
Not to mention the immune erasure it causes and the SSPE time bomb in 1-in-600.
Why do their voters put up with this?
Not *their* kids. At least not the elites, politicians, and most educated business owners in those states. Happy to vote for and contribute to those who will ensure other people's kids will, but their kids are getting fed and vaccinated.