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Walking is a right; driving is a privilege. Not the other way around. All views mine except for the ones I picked up at a thrift store. Also, I RT ducks.

How the RW hacked American media: flood the zone with so much appalling behavior that reporters will search high & low for ways to discredit your opponents for you. Because of mandatory balance.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
USians, the 4th of July is a great time for us to call our electeds and leave voicemail asking them to support AOC in calling for impeachment of the 6 right-wing SCOTUS justices.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Saw an AI fireworks show and a guy lost all 7 fingers on one hand.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Nothing says #July4 like a juicy slice of watermelon. This delicious fruit doesn't just appear on our picnic table. It takes a lot of work. An average watermelon weighs 20 lbs. It's 100+ degrees in Bakersfield today. Can you imagine harvesting them in high temps? #WeFeedYou
I've been thinking about how NYC could accomplish the traffic-reduction goals of congestion pricing without congestion pricing. And here is my Crackpot Idea: Model a circulation plan after Ghent's, but for Manhattan.
The Circulation Ghent’s Circulation Plan was implemented in 2017 and aims at banning through traffic from the city centre.
People often mention how hard it is to do threads on here or that they somehow don't work. I don't understand this complaint. It's the same process as doing them at the bird site.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
I think the bigger threat is not so much that the Right will go after internet porn but that they’ll define porn as “the existence of LGBTQ+ people in popular media such as books, TV and movies.”
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Authors & publishers, you need to hire this artist. 📚
Orange Soda
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Feb. 12, 1869: “It will be a strange sight to see these two wheeled machines kiting around our city.” The Minneapolis Tribune reacts to what it reports as the city’s first bicycle.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
In 1953 the Chicago Motor Club issued a report for the city of Aurora, Illinois. Called School Crossing Protection, the report cautioned against “over-protection of the school child.” This excerpt is from page 1.
Analogy test: Your metropolitan area is like a huge public park. The basketball court is like your city, a lot of people successfully using a small space. The golf course is like your suburbs, a lot of land limited to the use of a few.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
The fur caveman vest of the late 1960s fascinates me because it became the mainstream media's go-to symbol of hippiedom -- right down to Sonny Bono sporting one to fake countercultural cred -- and yet it was nowhere to be seen on actual hippies.
Thread of the day
In good, Declaration of Independence form, the Heritage Foundation has not only declared their support for a 2nd American Revolution in the form of Trump 2.0, they are also assembling a long list of grievances, er, enemies to explain why that revolution is justified.
Team Trump Is Creating Blacklist of Enemies in Federal Worried about Republicans’ Project 2025? Meet Project Sovereignty 2025.
Here's what I celebrate on July 4: Public parks Public schools Public libraries Public hospitals Oh, and Pride parades. Those are awesome.
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
It is the force of the impact created by the velocity of the vehicle mass that demolishes the soft human body. Not the make, age, distraction or anything else that kills. No one has ever been killed by a parked car. It's the moving vehicle's speed that kills.
Your turn,
From Cloudflare: "To help preserve a safe Internet for content creators, we’ve just launched a brand new “easy button” to block all AI bots. It’s available for all customers, including those on our free tier."
Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
Yes! “Replace Biden” is a catastrophic political miscalculation. Are Black voters screaming this? No. This is whiteness culture perfectionism playing out, yet again. Self reflect white Dems. Get your heads on right. Trump has always feared Biden. He still does. #BlueWave2024
Reposted byAvatar bettybarcode
The is THE essay you need to read on the 4th.
“We need a strong institution that sits outside of electoral politics, that is not at the mercy of right wing courts, that has its own inherent form of power that can be exercised on behalf of the public good, that will naturally work towards progressive goals.… [T]hat is the labor movement.”
The End of Liberal Excessive belief in institutions is a proven failure.