
I get the appeal of nationalism/nativism in your own country. But I find it bizarre that the same people are pushing it all over the globe. We know what happens when lots of countries in the same region go full nationalist, and it's definitely not a situation that's friendly to isolationism.
I mean shit even japan was eventually like "okay this shit ain't working out for us"
It reminds me of ppl who fetishize massive trucks and consider them an inherent part of their social class while also wanting to be able to drive their kids to school in it without having to brake. It's like such an extreme version of individualism that that it warps their sense of reality
These nationalist divisions are being orchestrated by Russia which thinks it will get the world distracted with their own internal problems while they swallow eastern Europe. It's a very short-sighted and stupid strategy, but it's been working for them since 2008.
Wouldn't successful internationalist nationalists eventually run out of countries to consider themselves superior to?