
#RS500 199 Oh right, that's why everyone says Pavement is great. The first two albums on this list didn't do it for me (now or then) but working our way backward we've reached their wildly excellent debut, which I must've forgotten I liked because I got so sick of them later. Fave song: Summer Babe
#RS500 265 Sorry, still no. Once again there are a few songs I like but it's not something I would ever choose to listen to, either then or now. In WZ's favor, it does feel slightly less repetitive than Crooked Rain. I was able to listen without checking my watch too much. Fave song: Kennel District
Slanted and Enchanted is always my "go-to" Pavement record. I remember the day I bought it. I live in the west valley of Phoenix and drove to Eastside Records to buy it on cassette.