
I strongly believe that the Trump era ushered in a truly horrific era of general ethical backsliding and nihilism in the US across all fronts, one that we still can’t even entirely wrap our brains around. (And Trump’s grotesquely evil approach to Covid made it even worse).
one more thing I’ll say is this also feels tied to the loss of consequences & loss of the importance of ‘reputation’. Politics have devolved so much, & this is now impacting the corporate world. Anyone that faked caring about ethics for their reputation feels like that shit doesn’t matter anymore
It was amazing how nearly every member of Trump's cabinet was exposed engaging in serious peculation, with most prominent White House staffers also openly violating laws - something unprecedented in recent history, certainly not as public knowledge - and it had almost no apparent consequences.
The same press that gets notably upset when Joe Biden says Arizona when he meant Arkansas, let Javanka solicit huge bribes and monetize their access, just as a ferinstance
I know Democrats have to also fight harder (they are fighting, I do see that), but the press failures in these dark days are so fucking glaring that I just about go spare. (I wish that last phrase was in more common use here. Also I'd say angry AND worried, not or)