
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
"Put the thing where your brain wants you to do the thing" is such a fucking basic rule, why is it so hard
Adam Savage's book "Every Tool a Hammer" explicitly gives you permission to get a second x-acto knife and a second pair of pliers and leave a set at each spot you need them rather than wander around looking for where you last left The Tool and omg it is LIBERATING.
exactly why we have 15 pairs of scissors and nail clippers in the house
And fabric measuring tapes. I still don't know where all my knitting needles are though
Sounds like a reason to get more, then.
yes, always more because then you can ALSO have more WIPs going at a time
Don't know much about knitting, but I do know some about crochet, so I know there's never enough needles. Ever.
They go through the portal in your knitting storage. Somewhere there is a pile of knitting needles, crochet hooks and other textile tools that are taking a vacation.