
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
"Put the thing where your brain wants you to do the thing" is such a fucking basic rule, why is it so hard
Adam Savage's book "Every Tool a Hammer" explicitly gives you permission to get a second x-acto knife and a second pair of pliers and leave a set at each spot you need them rather than wander around looking for where you last left The Tool and omg it is LIBERATING.
exactly why we have 15 pairs of scissors and nail clippers in the house
I need to get about 10 more pairs of nail clippers for this exact reason
Scissors and nail clippers and tweezers need to be bought by the half dozen Also pens goddamn it
YES THIS I refuse to buy "good tweezers." What even is the point? I'll own them for, like, two weeks tops to start out and then a few days at a time as they randomly turn back up.
Pairs of standard and Philips head screwdrivers are stored around the house and shop for important GODDAMMIT reasons.
My kitchen scissors (since I live alone) have been living on the kitchen table for the past two months. They get used and I get a lot less annoyed with random tasks that require scissors. They only moved about 2 m from the cupboard.
BECAUSE SOMEONE doesn't put them back. I had to make it clear a specific set of screwdrivers were never allowed to leave my office 😑
yeah, because someone keeps wrongly insisting on using flathead screws to begin with! 😫😤
We all know Robertson is the One True Screwdriver Head.
My ADHD ass sure didn’t need anyone’s permission.
I broke down and bought several to spread around. Really cuts down on aggro.
This is the justification I need to buy more of those delightful Seki City nail clippers so I'm not forgetting to put them back when I travel. I've already got double-edged razors in two homes, so I don't worry when I fly carry-on only. (That, the and replacement blades are a big no-no.)
Wait till you hit 50-51 and you need 15 pairs of readers placed in strategic locations around the house.
the problem is i have a shitload of nail clippers but only one of them is really good and the bad nail clippers obscure the good one just by existing in my house, because now i also have to identify the one good clipper out of the lot, and my middle-aged vision isn't up to this task.
This may be weird of me, but honestly my oral hygiene improved when I decided to put a toothbrush at every sink and also in the shower.
This is one of the things holding me back from getting an electric one. Unless I can somehow place it so it's grabbable from both sink and shower, something is going to suffer for it.
So, I don't know your financial situation, but if you really want an electric one: could you just get two, and put one in each place?
💯 finally I realized that having scissors in every room is Good, Actually.
This is exactly why I have a pair of scissors in our bathroom.
And fabric measuring tapes. I still don't know where all my knitting needles are though
Sounds like a reason to get more, then.
They go through the portal in your knitting storage. Somewhere there is a pile of knitting needles, crochet hooks and other textile tools that are taking a vacation.
Buying trauma shears in bulk has been a lifesaver for my multi-ADHD + crafting household 😹 And it means I don't have to murder anyone over misusing the expensive sewing scissors! (Have given sets as gifts to all fam, they are converts now too.)
Do you have The Special Place where The Good Scissors go, and great shame will be inflicted upon anyone who uses them for anything other than Important Sewing Duties? My mum STILL keeps her good scissors on top of the fridge. All her kids are 30+, grandkids are 20+, I guess there's great grandkids 😆
I just converged on that outcome by misplacing the nail clippers fourteen times.
The sheer number of lip balm tubes scattered throughout this house is hilarious. I gathered them in a pile once just to get a sense of scale, and boy howdy I will never again in my life have an excuse for dry lips
Do your scissors all converge upon one location? We have at least half a dozen, slowly they all go missing, then they'll all turn up on a bench together. Never the same spot though. Drives me batty!
They're having secret meetings. You should watch out for that.
Scissors, flashlights, box cutters, sharpies, scotch tape…
we have at least 10 package openers, thomas where are they
Haha, I just received my ordered EIGHT nail clippers because I am fed up of never finding one! If we ever move again we will find probably so many lost ones!
My alternative is having a Swiss Army Knife on my belt at all times (except airline flights). Not the best tool for *anything*, but far more often than not the *second*-best.
This is me with reading glasses.
Me and tape measures. I think I have 6 now and I can always find one.
This is why every room in my house has a box of kleenex, a tube of chapstick, and a knife.
My husband and son keep giving me shit for buying multi packs of scissors at Costco. I have placed a pair in every kitchen drawer and in each bathroom and at the bar and the laundry room and every time I go to one of these spots to grab scissors when I need 'em, *they're not there*.
*I*, for one, put them *back*, so if they're *not there*, I'm not the crazy one for buying scissors and putting them *everywhere*.