
What are you reading riight now? Would you recommend it? I'm reading Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, about halfway through and I'm very much enjoying it so far (it's due soon OH NOO) (I have a couple hundred book recommendations but nope, I am forever chasing new recs like I'm book starved) 💙📚👀
I just finished "Translation State" and "System Collapse" by and, respectively, and just loved them both. Getting ready to dive into "The Fractured Dark" by and then on to "The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi" by S. A. Chakraborty.
wow, adding everything to my list!! ty!!
Just finished two duologies! A River Enchanted/A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross, and The City We Became/The World We Make by N.K. Jemisin. Both highly recommend!
adding everything to my list! thank you!!
Not really focused on anything right now. Leading up to Christmas my reading tends to be pretty scattered. But I have been reading more of this collection. I definitely recommend this author & anything she writes, but this collection is truly for diehards.
oh wow adding to my list, thank you!
Or, do as I did many years ago & start out with her pair of Orphans Tales books. They're wonderful, fantastical story-within-a-story-within-a-story tales. But I'll stop now. 😊 I just think she's a terrific author.
This particular title was, I think, a limited run printing. But I wish you luck in finding it if you do go forth. If you're looking for a good entry point to her works, I recommend her Fairyland series. It's classified as YA, but she doesn't dumb things down. She respects her readers.
My daughter recently finished every single book by Sarah J. Maas and found so much joy in reading the books - even got a tattoo to celebrate. :) She is also sad though now that she's completely caught up!
That's amazing!! now I'm even more excited to read them all. this is my very first
I tell this to everyone- if you’re reading on kindle, put it on airplane mode. Now you have however long you need to finish TOG I loved that series. I haven’t been able to find anything that comes close.
I don't have one.. but this tempts me so bad 😂
I have devoured Sarah Maas! I'm anticipating her next Crescent City