
Shocking scenes as a major G7 country votes decisively for the not completely shitty option
If this it's UK: dig a bit deeper and the story is that the right has fractured - between Conservatives & Reform (Reform has Nigel Farage -previously high-up in UKIP and Brexit Party) on what is in UK terms right & extreme right - in a way that long affected the left with Labour & Lib Dems gaining.
If you look at a lot of the Labour wins and sum the losing Conservative and Reform vote it will exceed the Labour vote. Previously the case was summing the losing Labour vote and Lib Dem or Green vote could have beaten the winning Conservative vote (but fracture is now on left & right).
Conservatives (in past) & Reform (currently) have made noises about leaving ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights). ECHR is written into Good Friday Agreement underlying peace in Northern Ireland & is how women were able to get justice for police fail re: rape
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (Appellant) v DSD and another (Respondents) - The Supreme Case details
The anti-immigration stance of folks into Reform & its related predecessors (UKIP, Brexit Party) are arguably behind Conservatives extremism on non-white asylum claims (Ukrainians got a scheme) result in Rwanda scheme and this monstrosity - see section 2.1
Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act
2) 1) says "Every decision-maker must conclusively treat the Republic of Rwanda as a safe country." - essence is that in response to courts finding Rwanda an unsafe country to send asylum seekers to the Conservatives passed an act telling decision makers to ignore the evidence.
As people may spot this both very racist (largely affecting non-white people) and threatens the separation of powers - in that the legislature decides the laws while the courts applies the laws on the basis of the facts - that act is telling people to ignore factual evidence about Rwanda.
So fracturing is not necessarily a good thing and Conservatives might conceivably move rightward again in effort to regain a unified vote. One is then left hoping a large enough group of people who might otherwise vote Conservative refuse to move right with them.