

I'm below median on socialisation - why I think social media blocks & folks complaining here can beat IRL equivalent: IRL change must be frequent contact to "ghosted!" to be sure it's 'you messed up' not just "folks busy with other priorities". IRL explanations don't scale & need privilege + energy.
This. Uncontested picture alone makes him look very questionable - "don't try to have sex with your much younger employee while they are employed by you" is a very low bar & not clearing that low bar understandably reinforces any credible allegation that one is even lower in character.
Neil Gaiman claims he had a consensual sexual relationship with his child’s 21-year-old nanny that started on her FIRST DAY. That’s enough for me.
oh this is disgusting. using the typical "she made it up for revenge" and "she's too mentally ill to believe" BS. www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/07/03/e...
i want to say that neil gaiman being accused of sexual assault by 2 different women surprises me but it does not because men
When one wants an informational message for Gollum to raise his self-esteem.
Some graffiti I saw
The phone booth is sacred to them because it has no screen, and is therefore pure
What better place than Bluesky to announce my new startup: Rectngle - a knockoff competitor to Square. (/s)
Ah yes, the hombus. A classic shape.
Every time people say "but how will we afford universal healthcare," please remind them that our per capita PUBLIC spending on health care is already at the level of countries with universal public care. Private spending is just an additional fuckery on top of that.
BREAKING NEWS: The United Nations Security Council has voted 14-0 in favor of a resolution demanding a cease-fire in Gaza for the rest of Ramadan. The United States abstained from the vote, allowing the measure to pass.
The U.N. Security Council has approved a cease-fire resolution for Gazawww.npr.org The Security Council voted 14-0 in favor of a resolution demanding a cease-fire through the end of Ramadan in two weeks. The United States abstained from the vote, allowing the measure to pass.
Making sure everyone has read Kate Wagner’s absolutely terrific — like a genuinely all-time, Grantland, SBN-in-its-heyday, talk about it 10 years later-style joy to read — F1 article that was mysteriously removed from the Road & Track website shortly after publication web.archive.org/web/20240301...
Behind F1's Velvet Curtainweb.archive.org If you wanted to turn someone into a socialist you could do it in about an hour by taking them for a spin around the paddock of a Formula 1 race. The kind of money I saw will haunt me forever.
Link I found in her prior posts that has references re: immune damage: libguides.mskcc.org/CovidImpacts... . Beyond that I think key points are: Long COVID is serious but not predictable & vaccines only great help re: acute illness, & feeling OK *now* not equal to all is 100% OK - so: do prevention
Periodic reminder that you can be young, healthy, 5x boosted, get “mild” Covid and end up with permanent and (as of now) irreversible immune damage w the lymphocyte levels of an AIDS patient. This is why it’s so crucial to PREVENT infection by wearing an N95, ventilating the air, and avoiding crowds
LibGuides: COVID Impacts: Immune Dysfunctionlibguides.mskcc.org Detailed information and resources on the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 infection and the broad social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic Information on post-Covid immune system damage and d...
6497 year old Elrond trying to hang with a bunch of 30-140 year olds
I never understood survivorship bias and I turned out okay.
End of feed.