Erratic Reader

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Erratic Reader

Reader, reader, chocolate eater. She/her.
Irony died a long time ago, didn't it?
I would show you a picture of the bing-soo my kid and I had after going to the eye doctor, but we were in a trance of consumption. It was a thing of beauty. Hot days are perfect for eating snow.
Wow. Scored this at our library's book sale. I only read a few issues of Flaming Carrot, decades ago. Wonder how it will feel now.
What the infantilizing, misogynist HELL? I bought socks for my son bc he said he was a little jealous that everyone else in the family has interesting socks and his are just white. It never occurred to me to read the washing instructions. Hand wash SOCKS? Give them to your mom?
Steroid injections on my right side. Hope they work. It would be nice to roll over in my sleep and not yelp from pain.
Amazing Jeep of Joy! And love. And Oxytocin. And estrogen fest. And Hello Kitty.
I tried to think of an opposite and I thought of "wombrarian," which sounds like either reading a book to one's fetus or taking care of books for wombats. I need to go for a walk to get that first one out of my head.
I read a copy of David Reuben's Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But We're Afraid to Ask that was on my parents' bookshelf when I was about 13. It has only just occurred to me, decades later, that they planted it for that purpose.
Reminding everyone that IS NOT The University of Texas at Austin.
My kid has decided to try to do more things for themself now that they're 18. I think eating some grapes and having a nap is a great way to regroup in the face of medical bureaucracy.
I got some sparkling cider for the Sunday Crew tomorrow. The library closes at 5 instead of 6 on New Year's Eve. Festive!
I've read 2 books that have ghost dogs in them (Darcy Little Badger's Elatsoe and TJ Klune's Under the Whispering Door) and at no point could I picture either dog as anything but Zero.
I am a big fan of the No Fuss Fundraiser at my kid's high school!
Hope you feel truly thankful for the good things in your life, no matter how small. Hope you can put some energy into giving others things to be thankful for. Hope that all have hope.
I did it! I made banana muffins with the overripe bananas instead of forgetting until it was too late! Procrastination doesn't pair well with bananas. Offspring have devoured most of them.
On this Election Day, I'm sharing an image I saved from the time of the last VA gubernatorial election. There are some people I disagree with running for office. Fine. Then there are the scary bananapants people. I urge you to haul yourself to vote lest they be inflicted upon us all.
Used my garage sale find while I was cooking today. Ducks (geese?) make everything taste better.
End of feed.