Erratic Reader

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Erratic Reader

Reader, reader, chocolate eater. She/her.
I was working in the back when I got the DM, "Are you available for spider removal?" I seem to have developed a reputation for fearless catching of small things without killing them. The first bit is false and the second bit is mostly true.
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Hey, remember how librarians and I were warning everyone that mass book-banning is just step one of a fascist government takeover? Well, some of the same book-banning orgs we warned you about are on the advisory board for Project 2025, whose leader calls it a "second American Revolution.”
2 osprey, 3 juvenile squirrels, 1 goldfinch, 1 chipmunk, and 1 muskrat spotted on my journey to MD today.
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CNN's debate fact-check is a 48 MINUTE read. That's how many lies there were.
Looking at debate takes from the National Review to Politifact to the WP, it seems a reasonably neutral teacher grading performance based on transcripts alone would conclude that Biden won. TFG's transcript would be in Canva w/American flags & Biden's double-spaced in Times NR.
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If you were wondering if the AI book ads are still going: yes
These AI generated book ads on my Kindle lock screen are getting weirder and weirder. Like…you can’t even be bothered to put actual text on your AI generated cover? Who is this going to fool into buying the book? Where is the ad budget coming from?
- I thought that conservatives were against "cancel culture" and firing or shaming people without due process. - If the decision-making structure is flawed, fix the structure. - Who will replace these experienced, knowledgeable people? So many of TFG's appointees were neither.
The future is terror. Funded by Heritage Foundation, the same group creating Project 2025, a GOP activist is snooping into the background of federal employees, creating a Trump enemies list. With Schedule F, they will fire those officials.
Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homel...
More car conversations visiting a state in the west: Do you think the people at Taco Bell and Taco Time get along, or do they, like, fight? [Entire car erupts into snaps.] A a girl named Maria Bell and boy named Tony Time fall in love.
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Rs: We gotta put biblical rules in schools Me: Holy shit! Like a debt jubilee every 7 years? Rs: Haha, no, not that one Me: like "you shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt"? Rs: Hahaha not that one either Me: so, uh, which rules exactly? Rs: Oh, you know the ones
In the car in a western state: Kid 1: I want to play a game. Kid 2: Like what? 1: Let's count billboards for personal injury lawyers! 2: Yes!
Does anyone know anything about Clickview Education? I received some junk mail with the subject line, "73% of teachers have shown inappropriate videos in class." They create classroom content, but the focus on "inappropriate" makes me wonder about their agenda. #Libraries
I would show you a picture of the bing-soo my kid and I had after going to the eye doctor, but we were in a trance of consumption. It was a thing of beauty. Hot days are perfect for eating snow.
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These AI generated book ads on my Kindle lock screen are getting weirder and weirder. Like…you can’t even be bothered to put actual text on your AI generated cover? Who is this going to fool into buying the book? Where is the ad budget coming from?
Massive Maxfield Parrish clouds are looming.
When people receive a card from me that's a little crumpled, it's because I was carrying in my bag for a while. I was thinking of them long before they received it.
I like that @wapo laid things out with graphics and primary sources. I still don't like it being called "hush money trial." The hush part is sleazy, but he was on trial for falsifying businss records.
The evidence that led to Trump’s hush money The prosecution’s case against Trump relied on 34 documents: 11 invoices, 12 vouchers and 11 checks.
Very late for work because of Rolling to Remember street closures. Gotta pay more attention to routes next year. #SundayLibrarian
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Hey ladies, ever thought about getting married to the panopticon?
As I made my way to my car, the guy at the plant nursery said, "Good luck with everything." I feel judged.🌱
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Schools & districts CANNOT say they make "data-driven decisions" if they cut school librarians. Data overwhelming shows the positive effects of SLs on students, and the negative effects of losing a SL. The data speaks for itself. Cutting librarians is educational malpractice.
I just cannot believe we are still doing this homemaker vs. working and/or unmarried woman garbage. Why can't we just support each other? People have different inclinations, talents, opportunities--hooray if yours make you happy. If you want to put down mine, get bent.
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My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
Wishing a happy spring Sunday to all women who are service workers and do not have children, enduring people saying "Happy Mother's Day" to them. It's a reflex and they probably mean well, despite the fact that this engenders annoyance and/or pain to some folks. Have a happy day being you.
Early sunrise is killing me. I hate the winter dark, but at least I can sleep. I got a sleep mask today. Let's hope it works so I don't have another zombie day.
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But there’s so much smoke (claims of “illegals” voting), there must be fire (actual incidents of illegal voting by non-citizens) somewhere, right? Says the folks operating the smoke machines.
Speaker Mike Johnson: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that's easily provable. We don't have that number." Sounds legit.
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Speaker Mike Johnson: "We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections. But it's not been something that's easily provable. We don't have that number." Sounds legit.