
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
The Democrats can’t do anything because we don’t vote enough, but when they actually have power they just pretend like they don’t have it.
Republicans can be ahead on a razor thin margin and do pretty much whatever they want, but Democrats are perpetually hamstrung without a supermajority.
That is just not fair. They're hamstrung with a supermajority, too. Remember Joe Lieberman and the 2009-10 congress?
Well sure, if they ever actually accomplish any goals what are they supposed to campaign on for next time?
Also the failed ACA repeal. The 2021-2023 D majority was *much* more effective than the 2017-2019 R majority; it’s just that democrats have higher aspirations
All aspirations look high when the GOP is only interested in judicial capture and funneling money to military contractors. I want a party that’ll aspire to jail billionaires and provide universal healthcare.
Lieberman would be a thing of the past, same with Manchin and Senima. No more spoilers in and outside of the party when Seal Team Six is at the door. I need universal healthcare now. Cut the Gordian Knot.