
The one thing I hate about some women is that you can say something that offends them and thay will say nothing about it... Then bam 30 minutes later after you have forgotten about it thay will go like how dare you say this or that and your left like what did I say ahhh
For just a little added context I have the disorder that pretty much makes me immune to social cues (asburges or how ever you spell it) so things sometimes don't dawn on me right away and the whole thing of think before you speak doesn't necessarily work because I will think it sounds just fine
sometimes things also take a bit to settle with others as well, so they can process it and find the words for it, it may not be just missed social cues. (it was called aspergers, but the dsm5 changed the name and it became just autism spectrum disorder (it was also named after 1/2
the nazi doc who 'found' it, so the community had not been using that name for a while, the dsm reclassifying it just removed the name from standard use within the medical community, the dsm is the diagnostic manual docs use.
Not on the woman end but on my end off of what I said I realized like 3 seconds after I said it like. Oh crap but again yeah either way it's still ridiculous in my opinion, but that's just me