
How we beat back the corporate takeover of America: 1. Break up corporate monopolies 2. Continue building union power 3. End Citizens United and get big money out of politics Let’s keep working to unrig the system.
Need a fair press. I wrote this for the UK but I expect much of it applies there too - particularly the last bit on retractions/corrections
A suggested change. No owners at all. Have all media become worker owned cooperatives. So no Billionaires at all set the agenda.
That should be a mandatory model for state supported start ups.
And also tear down the duopoly (it's too easy for corporations to buy both parties). We can do that by using #ProportionalRepresentation to create a multi-party system. It just requires repealing a 1967 Federal Law, and the Fair Representation Act would do just that.
Corporate monopolies rule the USA through rotten politicians. Corporate monopolies support rotten politicians in elections to ensure that corporate monopolies can keep on ruling. Who will break up corporate monopolies?
All great but will it happen? The pendulum has swung so far, it’s may be a long time before it swings back.
And get guns off the streets.