
Dealing with election panic by working on my Darth Vader mini. Theming here is “Vader The Atoner.” Practically have a whole artist’s statement on the color and modeling choices here.
Golden saber 😍 Also wasn't there some Elseworlds where Leia makes Vader turn light and he winds up looking exactly the same but in all white armor? The blue with a half mask looks WAY better
Yeah! It's a real comic book-y "What If"—I think it's sitting on my shelf actually. Lots of painters for this game are doing their own "Vader Redeemed" with either white armor or a brown militaristic shade. I'm going more ethereal here to explore the "shades of grey" on his way back to the light.
I love this! I know modern SW has made the decision to have him look like his pre Vader self as a ghost or whatever he is now but something like this would be really cool and I feel like Hayden would rock it.