
Breaking News: President Biden told a key ally his campaign may be unsalvageable if he can’t convince the public he’s up for the job. The conversation is the first public indication that Biden is seriously considering whether he can recover after the debate.
Just love tearing him apart, don't you, Murdochites. Where are headlines that matter? I'll help you: TRUMP IS A RAPIST. TRUMP CONVICTED FELON. TRUMP INCITED INSURRECTION. TRUMP'S FONDEST WISH IS TO BE DICTATOR. Why don't you grow some & do the right thing. Or do you enjoy emulating Pravda?
And they wonder why they are losing subscribers🤦‍♀️
They lost my subscription. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I do miss the Wire Cutter and the Science section but I have other subscriptions. LA times, WaPo and most recently the Guardian
Thank you for unsubscribing. If you're looking for new outlets I'm a big fan of TPM, highly recommended.
I used to be an avid reader of the NYT back in the day. But they've really sold out to the evil forces.