
So things aren't going so well. I'm still not employed. I had two Really Solid final rounds last week that both turned into "Oooh, you were our second choice, sorry." I have unemployment, and "food stamps" so that keeps a roof over our head, and the kids fed... and that's it.
Cecil's offline, they're having a crisis. I won't go into details, leave that for them to describe. But he had to step offline basically. His meds are not doing the trick, we can't afford his psych this month, and no idea where I'm getting the money for the big med, let alone any others.
The car is basically... 200k miles and limping. Well, it won't pass inspection, and I've done all I can to keep it running, it would cost more in parts than the value of the car. Its really only good for hopping to the store for food. Can't even afford a replacement car either.
My depression is overwhelming to the point that I can't even acknowledge it all at once. I just look at thumbnails of my stress and sad and say "yeah, sucks for that guy." and then let future ryan deal with that. I have no idea how to make ends meet that aren't begging for help.
Right now, we're in a juggling act, what bills get paid with what kindnesses people send, or loan. And using "food stamps" to keep the kids fed. No matter what, they've got food. That's key. its about $200/week for all six of us and we make it last. Because that's what we have.
We -need- help. I'm no artist-who-can-take-emergency-commissions. My art is in other places, and I don't feel very good about those anymore. I need a job, and I was THIS close to having one, and it was yanked away. my stomach clenches just thinking about it again.
Can relate. I’ve been in and out of various jobs for basically my entire adult life. The ones that I can actually tolerate don’t give enough hours, and the ones that DO give me hours still barely pay enough to be worth the stress/effort.
Hang in there, you’ll catch a break and things will get better. I speak from experience
I’m truly sorry. It’s BRUTAL out there and how we’re told the economy is great, doesn’t help with feeling terrible.