
"Biden needs to give us reasons to vote for him. We're allowed to push him to be better." [Biden uses limited executive power to improve some people's lives and achieve things they've been pushing for] "Too little. He still sucks."
Dude, it is literally illegal for me as a trans woman to have my current license in Florida, millions of people lost bodily autonomy, the same virus that has already killed millions is continuing unabated and he is directly helping in an active genocide.
I think the reason those complaining about Biden not doing enough aren’t bothered when told Trump wants to be a dictator is because they want a dictator. Just one from the left. That, or they haven’t bothered to learn about 3 branches of government, separation of powers, and checks & balances.
Otherwise, I cannot understand why they believe any POTUS has the authority to do what they are demanding Biden do.
Trump barely passed any legislation too. You don’t need to pass things to defund.