
Jesus Christ the disconnect… This will not help. ACTUALLY doing something for the people who voted for him? Helps tremendously.
The problem with this sentiment is that I could provide you a list of dozens of things Biden has done to help the people who voted for him, but you'd say "not enough" So the problem isn't that Biden has done nothing, the problem is that the success criteria are poorly defined.
I’d say “not enough” because for damn near everything I voted for him on he’s done a u-turn. If I voted for him because I was promised police reform, abortion protections, an end to forever wars, addressing the housing crisis, and a humane border policy then he has failed.
It’s like he intentionally chose a list of items that show he’s full of shit.
They often do that, yes. The lies end up being so blatant that you have to accept a nearly-completely alternate universe in order to sustain the propaganda sphere.
Press releases do not reflect real conditions. If he says the police are good now, rent is coming under control, emissions are falling, and the world is safer, and I look around and see none of that’s true, then we have to take a second look at our idea of propaganda.
You do understand that there is data that proves that rents are stabilizing, emissions are falling, and that Biden effectively ended the drone war and the Afghanistan war. Like, just bc you don’t know how to read it doesn’t make things untrue.
Rental rates rose 3.5% last month. Emissions rose 1.3% last month. Biden is literally participating in an active genocide. These things are true.
Do you mean February 2024 rent asks are 3.5% higher than in February 2023?
I mean my rent increased by $200 this year.
When you said this specific thing, you meant your rent increased by $200 this year.
Naw just sort of highlighting the fact that no matter what the headlines and pressers say, folks’ rents are increasing along with inflation and record temperatures, because that’s what people actually pay attention to.
This thing you guys do where you flip-flop between talking about your belief/what is true and what "other people see" is extremely transparent.